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Competition that pays up to R$3 in salary for primary and secondary level candidates is open for library assistant, caregiver assistant, social educator, home carer Lar

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 24/07/2024 às 07:43
Updated 23/07/2024 às 19:40
Competition that pays up to R3 in salary for primary and secondary level candidates is open
Photo: CANVA

New selection process for Esmeraldas City Hall: Esmeraldas City Hall Competition opens hundreds of vacancies for candidates from primary to higher education levels, check out the positions!

The city hall of Esmeraldas, located in the state of Minas Gerais, recently launched a new public tender notice. The Esmeraldas city hall selection process aims to fill 156 vacancies in various positions, covering all education levels. Among the vacancies offered, nine are intended for people with disabilities. This competition represents an excellent chance for those seeking stability and professional growth in the public service. Don't miss this opportunity and check out all the details to participate in the selection process.

Requirements to participate in the Esmeraldas city hall competition

Those interested in the Esmeraldas City Hall selection process must meet certain requirements such as being a native or naturalized Brazilian or a Portuguese citizen who has acquired equal civil rights and obligations and enjoys political rights.

Be 18 years old on the date of appointment, be up to date with obligations resulting from electoral legislation and, if male, military service.

It is also necessary to have physical and mental aptitude, prove and possess the prerequisites for the position, know and comply with the requirements contained in the notice, among others. Among the positions offered in the city hall competition are:

Elementary School 

  • Caregiver assistant (4 vacancies)
  • – Starting salary is R$1.324,13.

High school

  • Basic education library assistant (3);
  • Assistant to the basic education department (15);
  • Home Caregiver (4);
  • Social educator (14). 
  • – Maturities range between R$1.324,13 and R$1.733,23.

Higher education 

  • Municipal prosecutor (2);
  • Higher education technician in psychology (5);
  • Higher-level technician in social work (8);
  • Basic education pedagogue (16);
  • Teachers (85).
  • – Remuneration varies from R$2.066,69 to R$3.099,51.

How to register for the Esmeraldas City Hall selection process

Registration for the city hall competition must be completed by August 20th of this year. Registration fee values ​​vary from R$100 for higher level positions, R$70 for technical and secondary level positions and R$50 for complete and incomplete fundamental level positions.


Candidates will be allowed to register for up to two vacancies in the Esmeraldas City Hall selection process. Therefore, information regarding the date, time and location of the tests will be available from September 16th at the website of the Consulplan Institute, and the candidate must print the Registration Confirmation Card.

The organizing committee is not responsible for registration requests not received due to technical reasons related to computers, communication failures, congestion on communication lines, among other errors.

Stages of the selection process Esmeraldas City Hall

A objective proof of multiple choice of the City Hall competition, of an eliminatory and classificatory nature, will cover the programmatic contents present in the notice. The questions are multiple choice, with 4 options and a single correct answer. A candidate who obtains at least 60% of the points in the objective multiple-choice tests and does not obtain a grade of 0 in any of the subjects will be considered approved.

Already discursive test consists of an essay for technical and higher level positions and a legal opinion for the position of Municipal Attorney. The test will be evaluated on a scale of 0 to 30 points, for all positions.

A Title Evaluation It must only be carried out by technical and higher level candidates approved in the last two stages. This stage will be worth 5 points, even if the sum of the title values ​​is greater than this value.

Titles for the Esmeraldas City Hall competition, accompanied by the Title Submission Form duly completed and signed, must be sent via Sedex or Registered Letter with Acknowledgment of Receipt to the headquarters of the Consulplan Institute.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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