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Earn R$10.481,64 + R$1.000 in food vouchers working at a Federal University! More than XNUMX job openings for higher education professionals

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 14/01/2025 às 16:58
Federal University offers public competition with 27 job openings for teachers and with attractive remuneration on campuses in the region.
Photo: Canva

Federal University offers 27 job openings for professors in various areas, with attractive pay on campuses in the region.

There are officially 27 job openings for the position of full-time professor at the Federal University of Western Pará (Ufopa)! The opportunities are for several campuses of the federal university, covering Alenquer, Itaituba, Juruti, Monte Alegre, Óbidos, Oriximiná and Santarém. public tender offers vacancies for teachers in various areas, including teaching, research, extension and course management, with varying educational requirements and remuneration that can reach up to R$11.481,64.

Areas of activity on the Federal University campuses

O competition The Ufopa public exam for teachers will consist of four tests. The first will be the written test, which is eliminatory and has a weight of 3,0.

Next, there will be a didactic test, also of an eliminatory nature, with a weight of 4,0. The third stage will be the evaluation of the memorial and the professional performance project, which has a qualifying nature and a weight of 2,0. Finally, the fourth stage will be the judgment of titles, of a qualifying nature and a weight of 1,0.

Job openings for professors are distributed across several campuses and areas. On the Alenquer campus, there is one vacancy for the Applied Social Science/Economics area.

In Itaituba, there are three opportunities for the Civil Engineering area, covering specializations in Structures, Geotechnics and Foundations, and Materials.

The Juruti campus offers job vacancies in the areas of Animal Production and Engineering.

The Monte Alegre campus offers vacancies in the areas of Food Science and Technology, Physics for Agricultural Sciences and Plant Science.

In addition, the Santarém campus has several job openings in various areas, such as Applied Linguistics, Mechanical Engineering and Special Education, with some of these opportunities aimed at black candidates and people with disabilities (PcD).

How to register and compete for job vacancies in the public competition?

Entries for the competition public of the Federal University of Western Pará are open since December 20, 2024 and will continue until February 2, 2025.

The registration fee is R$180,00, and the procedure can be done through the Ufopa competition page.

Click here and register now for the public competition

Candidates who register for this public competition will compete for job openings on different campuses and in different areas of activity.

The tests will be held between March 10th and 17th, 2025, at the Tapajós Unit on the Santarém campus.

More details about the Federal University public competition

The heteroidentification tests for candidates who self-declare as black, as well as the biopsychosocial assessments for people with disabilities, will take place in person in Santarém, according to the guidelines that will be published on the official website of the public tender.

This public competition offers vacancies employment opportunities for different academic profiles, with attractive remuneration of up to R$11.481,64, depending on the candidate's qualifications and experience.

Don't miss the opportunity to register and compete for one of the job openings for a professor at the Federal University of Western Pará.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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