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Earn up to R$8.029,78 + benefits to work at COREN! Open positions for Assistants, Technicians, Nurses and other mid- and high-level professionals

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 14/11/2024 às 20:28
Coren opens a public competition with 18 job vacancies at different levels of education, offering salaries of up to R$8.029,78.
Photo: Canva

Coren opens a public competition with 18 job vacancies at different levels of education, offering salaries of up to R$8.029,78.

The Regional Nursing Council of the State of Tocantins (Coren-TO) recently published the notice for its public tender 2024, offering 18 job openings for mid-level, technical and higher-level positions. With salaries that can reach up to R$8.029,78, the vacancies are available for several locations in the state, including Araguaína, Augustinópolis, Gurupi and Palmas. Applications for the Coren-TO public competition are now open and close on December 12.

Registration open for the COREN-TO public competition

Entries for the competition Coren-TO 2024 public must be made exclusively online, through the official website of the Brazilian Institute of Institutional Development (IDIB), the body responsible for the competition.

Click here and sign up for the selection process now!

The deadline for registration is December 12, 2024, and participation fees range from R$80,00 to R$120,00.

For candidates registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), there is the possibility of exemption from the registration fee.

Registering for the public competition is an important opportunity for those seeking job vacancies in the health sector in Tocantins.

Job vacancies available in the Coren competition

O competition Coren-TO offers job vacancies for different levels of education, with 18 vacancies in total.

The job openings are distributed among senior, technical and mid-level positions. See the vacancies offered below:

  • the Next level: Analyst — Accountant, Legal Analyst, Administrative Analyst, Tax Nurse, Nurse.
  • Technical level: Nursing Technician, Administrative Assistant — IT Area.
  • Middle level: Administrative Assistant in several cities, such as Palmas, Gurupi, Araguaína and Augustinópolis.

The salaries offered range from R$2.535,72 to R$8.029,78, depending on the position and the 40-hour workweek.

Job vacancies for the Coren-TO competition require candidates to choose their preferred city at the time of registration.

These vacancies offer a good opportunity to enter the public service, especially for those seeking stability and benefits.

About the Coren competition test

The objective test for the Coren-TO public competition will be held on January 19, 2025, and candidates will have four hours to answer the questions.

The test will consist of 40 questions for mid-level and technical positions and 60 questions for higher-level positions.

Subjects include Portuguese Language, Legislation, Specific Knowledge and Job-Specific Knowledge.

To be approved in the Coren-TO public examination, the candidate must obtain at least 50% of the total points in the objective test and cannot obtain a zero grade in any subject. In addition, candidates for higher level positions will undergo a qualification test, which is of a qualifying nature.

As jobs in the Coren-TO competition are an excellent opportunity for those who want to work in the nursing sector and other areas.

Term and validity of the public tender

The Coren-TO public tender will be valid for two years, with the possibility of extension for another two years, according to the needs of Coren-TO.

During this period, job vacancies will be filled according to the institution's needs.

Os successful candidates will be called as vacancies arise, and the calls will be made according to the candidates' classification in the public competition.

The Coren-TO public competition is an important opportunity for those who want to enter the public service and secure a job in the health sector in the State of Tocantins. Follow the information on the official IDIB website to not miss the registration deadline and ensure your participation in the competition.

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Odezy omecil
Odezy omecil
16/11/2024 15:46

I'm just a nursing technician!!!

Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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