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200 Vacancies in free courses for Electricians at the Electricity Company of the State of Bahia (Coelba)

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 17/10/2020 às 11:05
Electrician - Coelba - free courses
Free electrician courses

Free course for electricians in Bahia –BA offered by the Electricity Company of the State of Bahia (Coelba)  

Were you looking for free electrician courses? Luck knocked on your door – the Electricity Company of the State of Bahia (Coelba) has more than 200 vacancies in free online courses for electricians.  

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School of Electricians of the Electricity Company of the State of Bahia (Coelba)

The Electricity Company of the State of Bahia (Coelba) is a company of the Neoenergia group that distributes electricity to 5,8 million consumer units, serving 15,3 million people.

It is the third largest electricity distributor in the country in number of customers and the sixth in volume of energy distributed, according to the ranking of the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel). In the North and Northeast, it is the leading distributor in terms of energy volume and customers.  

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Its concession area is 563 thousand square kilometers and covers 415 of the 417 municipalities in Bahia and the cities of Delmiro Gouveia, in Alagoas, and Dianápolis, in Tocantins. Of its customers, 88% are residential.

In Coelba's concession area, the largest electricity universalization program in the country is underway, Luz para Todos, developed by the Federal Government and executed by the distributors.  

Requirements to guarantee your place in the free electrician courses in Bahia-BA

To apply, interested parties must have completed high school, be at least 18 years old, have a driver's license in categories B, C or D. Other requirements are in the notice, available on the National Service for Industrial Learning (Senai) page: www.fieb.org.br/senai. Some students will be selected to fill future job vacancies at the institution.

Location to fill vacancies in free electrician courses  

The 200 free courses are distributed in the municipalities of Santo Antônio de Jesus (50), Valença (50), Senhor do Bonfim (25), Juazeiro (25) and Jacobina (50). To participate, you must have completed high school, be at least 18 years old, have a driver's license in categories B, C or D. All classes take place via the internet, through the 'Meu SENAI' platform.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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