Enel Distribuição Rio launches Public Call for energy efficiency projects, with R$ 3,5 million in resources. Proposals until March 7.
Energy Efficiency Revolutionizes Mining with Conscious Energy Consumption
Discover how the mining industry adopts innovative and sustainable practices
In recent years, mining has become increasingly linked to energy efficiency practices, transforming the sector into an example of how to unite technology and sustainability. In a bold move, companies are investing heavily in energy efficiency projects, which include the implementation of advanced technologies to optimize the use of resources and reduce environmental impact. Innovation in energy efficiency not only reduces costs but also minimizes the carbon footprint, reinforcing the commitment to conscious energy consumption.
At the heart of this transformation is the mining sector, which has taken mineral exploration to new levels of environmental responsibility. By adopting energy-efficient solutions, these industries aim not only to increase productivity but also to ensure that the entire production chain operates with minimal energy losses. Since 2022, major mining players have been promoting workshops and educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of conscious energy consumption, highlighting the crucial importance of integrating sustainable practices into all stages of the mining process.
Turning Challenges into Opportunities in the Extractive Industry
New energy efficiency practices in mining have already shown impressive results. In March 2023, a comprehensive assessment by the National Energy Agency revealed that companies that have adopted these programs have reduced their energy consumption by up to 30%. These substantial savings not only strengthen companies’ finances, but also contribute to the longevity of the planet’s natural resources.
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However, making these advances would not come without challenges. Companies faced significant barriers when trying to implement these changes. Cultural resistance and the need for large investments were the main obstacles. However, over time, it was realized that these challenges could be transformed into opportunities for learning and structural growth. Amidst these adversities, the determination of the extractive industry to reformulate its energy parameters became clear, showing that it is possible to combine profitability with environmental preservation.
Among the various initiatives, the introduction of automation technologies and the use of renewable energy sources have gained prominence, enabling the extractive industry not only to survive but to thrive in an increasingly competitive and regulated global scenario. Therefore, it is clear that the path to a more sustainable future in mining is closely linked to efficient energy consumption. As concluded in a report by the Energy Research Company (EPE) released in October 2023, continued investment in energy efficiency is key to the sector’s resilience and long-term success.
Effectiveness of the Public Call for Energy Projects
Proposals must be submitted by March 7th. On January 14th, 2025, in Rio de Janeiro, Enel Distribuição Rio initiated the Public Call (CPP 001/2024), offering a significant opportunity for its customers to present projects focused mainly on energy efficiency. In total, R$3,5 million will be made available, with R$1,6 million being distributed for improvements in Public Lighting, R$1,6 million for programs in commercial, industrial, rural and service sectors, and also for the public sector, allocating a significant R$300 thousand for residential energy consumption efficiency projects. Interested parties can register until March 7th by visiting the official website.
Criteria for Selecting Promising Initiatives
All those interested in participating in the Public Call must present projects with values between R$500 and R$800, emphasizing areas such as exchange of equipment for more efficient models, modernization of drive systems, installation of solar heaters and the use of Photovoltaic systems, in addition to policies aimed at modernizing lighting and refrigeration systems. The selection of the submitted proposals will be conducted according to the methodology established by Aneel, which includes a detailed analysis and the assignment of specific scores by the Judging Committee. This process will evaluate not only the mandatory documentation and quality of the initiatives, but also their development, the implementation of innovative actions and the score relative to the criteria published in the notice.
Annual Positive Impacts Report
Every year, Enel launches Public Calls with the intention of creating a relationship that brings comprehensive benefits to society. Many submitted projects achieve the goal of promoting conscious energy consumption and making services more efficient in the commercial, industrial and public services sectors. The company, therefore, seeks to support initiatives that combine economic gains with positive social and environmental impacts for the local community, as highlighted by Leonardo Soares, responsible for Sustainability at Enel Distribuição Rio.
Constant Investments and Solid Results
Since its creation in 1998, Enel Distribuição Rio's Energy Efficiency Program has invested approximately R$354 million in 365 projects focused on energy efficient consumption, improvement of electrical installations and educational actions with its customers. Projects in the state of Rio, carried out in previous months, show constant progress, including the modernization of public lighting systems in cities such as Areal and Teresópolis, with the replacement of 1.031 lighting points, in partnership with local city governments. In Arraial do Cabo, the work at the Institute of Marine Studies, for example, involved the installation of a 59-module photovoltaic system, four Inverter air conditioners and 458 LED lamps, generating savings of approximately 791 MWh/year, with investments of R$ 1 million.
Recent Projects and Future Planning
In August 2024, the company began energy efficiency works at the Hydrography and Navigation Directorate (DHN) in Niterói, investing more than R$850 in modernizing the lighting system and renewing air conditioning units. In October, a project at the Federal Police involved R$522 in activities such as the installation of 112 photovoltaic solar modules and the replacement of light bulbs and air conditioning units in Niterói and Campos dos Goytacazes. For 2025, the expectation is to execute eight projects approved in previous Public Calls, including improvements to Public Lighting in Macaé.
Disclosure and Transparency in Workshops
In February, the distributor plans to hold the workshop Public Call for Projects to present the company's annual investments, as well as highlight innovative initiatives already approved in previous editions. This workshop will also serve to discuss the schedule, regulations, contracting procedures, clarify doubts about the notice and provide information on the amounts available for each state. Finally, Enel Distribuição Rio highlights its broad scope of service in 66 municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, covering 73% of the state territory and concentrating the largest number of customers in Niterói, São Gonçalo, Itaboraí and Magé, totaling approximately 3 million customers served.
Source: ENEL RIO Press