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Family politics! Deputies send R$171 MILLION to relatives' city hall in the form of Pix amendment

Written by Alisson Ficher
Published 03/01/2025 ร s 16:12
Deputies allocate more than R$171 million in Pix amendments to relatives' city halls. The practice raises controversy and questions transparency.
Deputies allocate more than R$171 million in Pix amendments to relatives' city halls. The practice raises controversy and questions transparency.

Family relationships in focus! Brazilian deputies transfer millions in Pix amendments to city halls led by parents, siblings and spouses. With more than R$171 million distributed in 2024, the practice exposes a game of interests that challenges ethics and transparency in the use of the public budget. The crisis between the Powers intensifies the debate on the subject.

In the Brazilian political scenario, where power relations are frequently contested, a practice has been attracting attention due to its peculiarity and potential controversy.

In 2024, federal deputies are allocating public funds directly to city halls headed by close relatives, a move that raises questions about transparency, ethics and the true nature of the use of public money.

According to data from the Siga Brasil portal analyzed by newspaper Metropolis, more than R$171 million in special transfer amendments โ€“ known as Pix amendments โ€“ were sent in 2024 to city halls led by parents, children, siblings, spouses and other relatives of federal deputies.

This modality allows the direct transfer of resources from the Union to municipalities, without the need for agreements or prior technical approval, and registered a record use in the last year, especially due to the municipal elections.

The highlight of Coari and other emblematic cases

Among the 20 municipalities benefited, Coari, in Amazonas, leads in amounts received.

the federal deputy Adail Son (Republicans), who is also the mayor's cousin Keitton Pinheiro (PP), allocated impressive R $ million 18,4 to the city.

This family relationship brings to light a political history marked by controversy: Adail Filho's father, Adail Pinheiro, was prevented by the courts from taking office as mayor, but regained the position in 2024 after a new election.

Another notable case occurs in Tucurui, in Parรก, where the deputy Andreia Siqueira (MDB) forwarded R $ million 16,8 to the municipality commanded by her husband, the mayor Alexander Siqueira (MDB).

This pattern is repeated in several regions of the country, revealing a map of relationships between deputies and mayors that deserves public scrutiny.

The table of resources distributed among the deputies

Below, see the detailed list of deputies, their relationships with the mayors who benefited and the amounts sent:

Deputy (author of the amendment)CityMayorRelationship (deputy โ†’ mayor)Price
Adail SonCoari (AM)Keitton PinheiroCousin โ†’ CousinR$18.434.456
Amanda GentleCaxias (MA)Fabio GentilDaughter โ†’ FatherR$8.185.790
Andreia SiqueiraTucuruรญ (PA)Alexander SiqueiraWife โ†’ HusbandR$16.771.585
Daniel BarbosaArapiraca (AL)Luciano BarbosaSon โ†’ FatherR$13.000.000
Daniela do WaguinhoBelford Roxo (RJ)WaguinhoWife โ†’ HusbandR$10.000.000
Domingos NetoTauรก (CE)Patricia AguiarSon โ†’ MotherR$10.085.792
Edward BismarckAracati (CE)Bismarck MaiaSon โ†’ FatherR$6.000.000
Elmar NascimentoCampo Formoso (BA)Helm BirthBrother โ†’ BrotherR$10.000.000
Eriberto MedeirosCumaru (PE)Mariana MedeirosHusband โ†’ WifeR$4.000.000
Fernando Coelho Jr.Petrolina (PE)Miguel CoelhoBrother โ†’ BrotherR$4.700.000
Gustinho RibeiroLizard (SE)Hilda RibeiroHusband โ†’ WifeR$7.285.792
Iza ArrudaVictory of Santo Antao (PE)Paulo RobertoDaughter โ†’ FatherR$5.000.000
Junior ManoNew Russians (CE)Giordanna ManoHusband โ†’ WifeR$3.050.000
Meire SerafimSena Madureira (AC)Mazinho SerafimWife โ†’ HusbandR$12.185.792
Ricardo MaiaToucan (BA)Ricardo MaiaFather โ†’ SonR$11.728.311
Roberio MonteiroAcarau (CE)Ana Flavia MonteiroHusband โ†’ WifeR$8.135.792
Roberio MonteiroItarema (CE)Eliseu MonteiroBrother โ†’ BrotherR$2.600.000
Rodrigo GambaleFerraz Vasconcelos (SP)Priscilla GambaleBrother โ†’ SisterR$6.804.824
Thiago de JoaldoItabaianinha (SE)Danilo of JoaldoBrother โ†’ BrotherR$9.485.000
Yandra MouraJaparatuba (SE)Lara MouraDaughter โ†’ MotherR$4.385.000

Crisis and negotiations between the powers

The use of Pix amendments caused a crisis between the Powers in 2024.

In August, the minister Flavio Dino, from Federal Supreme Court (STF), suspended the transfers, making the resumption conditional on the adoption of transparency measures.

After negotiations and the approval of a complementary bill, Dino authorized the release in December, but the crisis remains.

The conflict was not restricted to the legal sphere. Members of parliament expressed dissatisfaction with the new rules imposed by the STF, claiming that they make it difficult to exercise their mandate.

The Attorney General's Office (AGU) tried to relax these guidelines, but was unsuccessful.

In response, the federal government coordinated the creation of an interministerial ordinance to provide greater legal security for transfers.

The legal โ€œsoap operaโ€ is expected to continue into 2025, especially with the start of a new legislature.

The pressure for greater oversight of transfers contrasts with the resistance of deputies, who defend their autonomy in the use of resources.

Arguments of those involved

The deputies mentioned in the survey state that their actions are aligned with the interests of their electoral bases.

Thiago Joaldo (PP-SE) justified that sending resources to the municipality of Itabaianinha follows constitutional criteria and reflects the support of the local population.

The deputy Meire Serafim (Uniรฃo-AC) highlighted that Sena Madureira is a priority in his term, due to its significant vote in the region.

The central issue, however, is not the legality of the transfers, but the lack of transparency and objective criteria in the distribution of these funds.

For experts, this practice can weaken the population's trust in institutions and reinforce the perception that public resources are used as political bargaining chips.

And you, what do you think about the allocation of public resources to municipalities managed by relatives? Leave your opinion in the comments!

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Alisson Ficher

Journalist graduated in 2017 and working in the field since 2015, with six years of experience in print magazines, stints on broadcast TV channels and over 12 online publications. Specialist in politics, jobs, economics, courses, among other topics. Professional registration: 0087134/SP. If you have any questions, want to report an error or suggest a topic on the topics covered on the site, please contact us by email: alisson.hficher@outlook.com. We do not accept resumes!

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