The Federal University of Itajubá (Unifei), in MG, will receive investments of R$ 30 million from GIZ for the construction of a research center focused on Green Hydrogen. The university already has the support of several entities and the project promises to generate thousands of jobs
The Federal University of Itajubá (Unifei), located in the south of MG, was informed that it is one of those selected by the Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the German Agency for International Cooperation, to receive investments worth 5 million euros, the equivalent to 30 million Reais in direct conversion, for the construction of a Green Hydrogen Production and Research Center (CPPHV).
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Federal University will be a pioneer in energy development
With the construction of the center focused on green hydrogen, the Federal University of the municipality of MG will become a pioneer in clean energy growth on a global scale. Green hydrogen is capable of replacing all fossil fuels, with the advantage of not contributing to CO2 emissions that negatively impact the environment.
The Federal University already promotes several initiatives to obtain hydrogen through gas reforming, as well as the use of hydrogen in combustion engines. The CPPHV will have 1 MW of installed capacity and is expected to be completed at the Federal University of MG in 2023.
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In addition, it will be supplied exclusively by energy coming from clean sources, both by solar panels that will be installed in the center itself, and by supplying clean energy from CEMIG, MG's electricity concessionaire. Thus, the CPPHV will have several resources such as electrolyser, fuel cell and several others to promote the development of research focused on green hydrogen.
FIiat, Vale, AMAGGI and many other big companies support Unifei
The CPPHV construction and development project already has several partnerships with entities that believe in the potential of green hydrogen research.
According to Jamil Haddad, a volunteer professor, the Federal University of the municipality of MG already has the interest of CEMIG in relation to energy storage and of the AMAGGI Group, one of the largest Brazilian producers of grains and vegetable fibers.
Furthermore, Memorandums of Understanding were signed with FIAT for the use of green steel. Meetings were also held with VALE Energia for the use of hydrogen in transportation vehicles. ThyssenKrupp will contribute with the center's technological support. The list also includes contributions from MAHLE, FAPEPE, INOVAI and PS Soluções, among others.
Unifei pronounces on the investment received
According to Edson Bortoni, Rector of Unifei, this initiative is linked to the initial purposes of the foundation of the university, in 1913, establishing energy sustainability as its main focus. It is an untouchable capital built over more than 100 years and cannot be overlooked.
As for Ancelotti, vice-rector of Unifei, naturally, every researcher at the university is free to work in the various sectors of science that most please him. However, if in some way, his researches can be linked to the energy question, without a doubt, he will be able to make use of the capital to facilitate the obtaining of resources and to boost his researches.