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Ferryboat catches fire with crew on board in São Luís – MA

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 10/06/2021 às 11:46
Ferryboat - crew - Maranhão - São Luís
Ferryboat on fire - credits: blog luiscardoso

Ferryboat suffers fire anchored 1km away and injures three of seven crew members in São Luís, capital of Maranhão. The flames started around 1 am and were only contained in the early morning.

Last Sunday (6), a ferryboat caught fire at Ponta da Espera, in São Luís. The vessel was docked at the time of the incident and had seven crew members, three of whom had minor injuries.

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Understand how the fire on the Ferryboat in São Luís happened

According to information from witnesses, the fire had started around 1 am, and the flames were only controlled around dawn, by the Fire Department. The causes of the fire on the Ferryboat are still being investigated, which will remain out of service until all recovery and inspection work is completed.

According to the State Agency for Urban Mobility and Public Services (MOB), the safety of the Ferryboat in São Luís was the responsibility of the Brazilian Navy, through the Port Authority.

State Agency for Urban Mobility and Public Services publishes a note on the fire

Ferryboat catches fire in the early hours of last Sunday (6) in São Luís MA.

According to a Note from the State Agency for Urban Mobility and Public Services (MOB), the ferry, with 7 crew members from Internacional Marítima, caught fire in the lounges at dawn last Sunday in São Luís.

The MOB also points out that the safety of the vessel is the responsibility of the Brazilian Navy and that it has already contacted the agency for collaboration in clarifying the reasons for the accident. The minimum period given by the MOB, for the resumption of the Ferryboat's operations, is 6 months.

The Military Fire Department communicated that the Ferryboat with seven crew members was anchored about 1 km away and was not in operation at the time of the accident. Two of the three victims were taken to the hospital before the arrival of the Fire Department and the third refused to receive medical attention.

Other vessel incidents this year

In May, another vessel also caught fire, but causing much more damage than in São Luís. We are talking about Ship MV X-Press Pearl, which carried several different chemicals.  

The ship that caught fire off the west coast of Sri Lanka, began to sink when the flames, which lasted 13 days, had already been contained, more specifically in the process of being towed away from the coast.

The crew consisted of Chinese Indian Filipinos and Russians, and fortunately, only two of them were injured and the rest came out of the situation unharmed. The cause of the fire has not yet been discovered, but everything points to a reaction with the chemicals, which were highly flammable.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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