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Free distance education degree without using ENEM and without entrance exam opens 650 places

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 07/03/2024 às 11:27
Free distance education degree without using ENEM and without entrance exam opens thousands of vacancies at UFSCAR 2024
Photo: PBSP

UFSCAR has hundreds of places in free distance learning courses without needing an ENEM. Check vacancies and registration period.

The Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR), with the support of the General Secretariat of Distance Education, is accepting applications for admission to the UAB system's free EAD undergraduate courses in 2024. The course available for admission He has a degree in Pedagogy.

Who will be able to apply for free EAD undergraduate courses at UFSCAR?

In total, there are 650 vacancies and the selection for admission in the second semester of 2024 to the undergraduate course in Degree in Pedagogy will be carried out by the Competition and Entrance Management Office of the State University of Mato Grosso – COVEST/UNEMAT, through the Foundation of support for State Public Higher Education (FAESPE).

The basic requirement to apply for one of the free UFSCAR distance learning undergraduate courses is have completed high school or have completed high school by the date of registration.

It is worth highlighting that the Degree in Pedagogy course at the Federal University of São Carlos, committed to the social quality of Education, aims to train Pedagogues to work in the teaching profession of the initial years of Elementary School, teaching of Early Childhood Education, teaching of Young people and adults, Educational Management (Educational Guidance, Educational Supervision, Educational Administration and Pedagogical Coordination).

Specifically, the specific work object of the Pedagogue trained in the UFSCAR free EAD degree is aimed at teaching and learning processes related to School Education, therefore, pedagogical practice is the central curricular component that permeates the entire training process, which does not prevent this professional from being able to also work in other educational contexts.

Find out how to participate in UFSCAR's free EAD graduation

Registration for the free EAD degree at UFSCAR runs until April 4th, must be made exclusively through the UFSCAR website and can be made free of charge or with payment of the fee. registration fee, worth R$85,00.

Requests for free registration can be made by people as holders or dependents of the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

To register, it is essential that the person has the Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (CPF). When registering, data such as CPF, date of birth of the candidate and other requested information, unique and valid email, valid cell phone number, choose the type of competition, and the pole to which they will be linked for completion will be requested. of some face-to-face activities. You will then need to attach the following documentation in PDF format:

  • High School Completion Certificate or Declaration from the educational establishment, informing that the candidate is present;
  • Letter of Intent Sheet, according to the guidelines in item 14.3, available in ANNEX XIX of the Notice;
  • Enrolled and attending the last year of high school;
  • Individual Taxpayer Registration – CPF;
  • Official Identity Document – ​​RG, or National Identity Card – CIN;
  • High School Transcript.


UFSCAR selection process

The selection process for the free EAD degree will consist of an evaluation of the candidate's Letter of Intent. All registered candidates, at the time of registration, must attach the Letter of Intent Sheet, which must be written in the standard form of the Portuguese language in an objective, clear and concise manner, according to the guidelines provided, be handwritten, have a minimum limit of 8 lines and a maximum limit of 30 lines, among other data described in the Notice.

The correction of the letter will be carried out by a specialized panel, made up of teachers appointed by COVEST/UNEMAT, whose identities will be kept confidential.

The Letter of Intent correction panel will analyze whether the text developed by the candidate meets the requested propositions and the degree of mastery demonstrated, in relation to the skills and evaluation criteria described in the Notice.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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