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Elementary level vacancy at Sesc! Earn R$1.950 + R$759 in benefits to work as a Chamberlain

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 15/08/2024 às 21:57
For this Chamberlain job opening, Sesc Blumenau requires a 44-hour work week, with a salary of R$1.950,00 + benefits.
Photo: Canva

For this job opening, Sesc Blumenau requires a 44-hour work week, with a salary of R$1.950,00 + benefits.

This Thursday, (15/08), Sesc Blumenau has a new job opportunity for those seeking insertion or replacement in the job market. The institution announced the opening of an opportunity for the position of Chamberlain, offering an attractive benefits package and a welcoming work environment. If you have experience in the role and are looking for a new opportunity, this could be the chance you've been waiting for!

Requirements and qualifications required by SESC for this job vacancy

To compete for job opportunity Chamberlain at Sesc Blumenau, it is necessary to have at least incomplete primary education.

Experience in the role is an important differentiator and will be considered during the selection process.

The position's responsibilities include cleaning activities, organizing environments and helping to maintain the hotel's housing units.

The objective is to ensure the standardization of services and the conservation of the site's infrastructure, providing an excellent experience for guests.

Benefits and working conditions

Sesc Blumenau offers a 44-hour work week, with a starting salary of R$1.950,00.

In addition, the employees are entitled to an additional attendance fee of R$195,00 and a health hazard bonus of R$564,80.

The institution also offers a series of benefits, such as supplementary pensions through PREVISC, health plan, life insurance, medication assistance, discounts on activities offered by Sesc and incentives for training and professional development.

It is worth highlighting that the vacancy is open to people with disabilities and that availability to work on weekends and for immediate hiring are important conditions for candidates.

Selective Process

Those interested in the Chamberlain job vacancy should pay attention to the dates of the selection process.

The first stage consists of submitting the CV and taking a technical test, which will take place on August 19, 2024, at 14pm, in person, at the Hotel Sesc Blumenau, located at Rua Udo Deeke, 1330, Salto do Norte, in Blumenau.

Candidates who advance to the next phase will be invited to an individual interview, scheduled for August 21, 2024, starting at 14 pm, also in person at the same location.

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to be part of the Sesc Blumenau team, an institution recognized for its commitment to the quality of life and well-being of its employees and customers.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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