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The energy giants Petrobras and Copel announce the privatization of the natural gas generation plant, which is close to the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline (GASBOL)

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 26/12/2022 às 19:06
Updated 28/12/2022 às 09:50
Petrobras, plant, gas, Copel
Photo: Reproduction gazetadopovo.com

The sale of Usina Elétrica a Gás de Araucária (UEGA) was confirmed by Petrobras and Copel, as they own, respectively, 18,8% and 20,3% of the company

More moves in the oil and gas sector, this time Petrobras and Copel, both holders of percentages in the Usina Elétrica a Gás de Araucária (UEGA), decided to privatize the plant located in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. According to Petrobras sources, 100% of the plant's capital will be sold.

As a “justification” for the sale, Copel stated that the privatization of the plant has to do with its decarbonization project in the generation of oil and gas and also strengthens its project to be a sustainable company.

Petrobras, on the other hand, claims that this sale is in accordance with Petrobras' internal rules and is also in line with the special asset divestment regime. In addition, the company stated that the sale is also aimed at optimizing Petrobras' portfolio and improving the company's capital allocation.


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News given in November

The forecast for the privatization of the Araucária Gas Electric Power Plant had already been announced in November by the Government of Paraná, which is Copel's majority shareholder. The announcement said that it intended to transform Copel into a company without a controlling shareholder., and the State has already approved such a decision, waiving most of the shares. The approved law also authorizes the State to privatize Copel's subsidiaries.

The plant that will be sold is a partnership between Petrobras and Copel, where natural gas is generated through the combined cycle, with two gas turbines and one steam turbine, and is located close to the GASBOL plant, a gas pipeline in Bolivia. The plant started operating in 2002, with a total capacity of 484 MW.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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