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DER makes the final decision and decides whether or not to install an 'anti-scam' radar on one of São Paulo's main highways

Written by Alisson Ficher
Published 20/01/2025 às 11:50
DER discards Doppler radar on SP-304, opting for new traditional equipment in R$7,9 million bid.
DER discards Doppler radar on SP-304, opting for new traditional equipment in R$7,9 million bid.

The Department of Highways has revealed that it intends to use Doppler radars on a major highway. A tender process foresees the installation of new equipment in the first half of 2025.

Not everyone can escape technology when it comes to traffic enforcement.

In recent years, advances such as Doppler radars put drivers on alert, eliminating the famous “trick” of reducing speed only when passing a fixed radar.

But what if this cutting-edge technology was about to be adopted on one of São Paulo’s main highways?

This possibility caught the attention of experts, drivers and residents of the region. Now, the Department of Highways (DER) finally made a decision on the matter.

According to DER, the “anti-migué” radars will not be implemented on the Luiz de Queiroz Highway (SP-304), which crosses cities such as Americana and Santa Bárbara d'Oeste.

Despite speculation, the authority confirmed that new monitoring equipment will be installed on the highway, but ruled out the use of Doppler technology.

This decision was communicated to the newspaper Liberal.

What is Doppler radar?

Known by the nickname “anti-migué”, the Doppler radar measures the average speed of a vehicle along a stretch, rather than just recording the instantaneous speed at a specific point.

This forces drivers to maintain a constant average speed and within the permitted limits, reducing the “schemes” of momentarily slowing down before a fixed radar.

However, DER has decided to adopt a different model for speed monitoring on SP-304 and other regional highways. According to the agency, this equipment will ensure efficient traffic control without resorting to Doppler technology.

The bidding for new radars

To make the new equipment viable, DER opened a bidding process in November 2023, structured in 14 lots, segmented by regional divisions.

Most of the radars destined for cities in the Textile Hub Region (RPT) is part of lot 13.

On December 31, 2023, the São Paulo Inspection Consortium was declared the winner of the bidding process. The total contract for the lot reaches R$7,9 million and is currently in the signing phase.

The radars are expected to be operational by the end of the first half of 2025.

It is worth remembering that the installation schedule has faced delays. Originally, DER expected the equipment to be implemented in the first half of 2024, but logistical and bureaucratic difficulties changed the deadlines.

Other highways covered

The Luiz de Queiroz Highway will not be the only one to receive the new radars. According to lot 13 of the bidding process, the following roads will also be included:

  • Commander Américo Emilio Romi (SP-306);
  • Luis Ometto (SP-306);
  • Margarida of Grace Martins (SP-135);
  • Arnaldo Julio Mauerberg (SPA-119/330);
  • Astronomer Jean Nicolini (SPA-127/304).

In addition, five other highways are part of lot 1. In these sections, radars will be installed on the highways Adauto Campo Dall'Orto (SPA-110/330) e Virgínia Viel Campo Dall'Orto (SPA-115/330).

Since 2020, when the contract with the company that operated the fixed radars on the highways managed by DER expired, inspections have been carried out by mobile radars, operated by Military Highway Police (PMR).

The new tender aims to resume the use of fixed radars, considered more effective and consistent in monitoring traffic.

The impact on drivers

The decision to ditch Doppler radars is divisive. According to experts, this technology could promote greater safety and prevent serious accidents.

On the other hand, drivers argue that radars that measure average speed can generate unfair fines in specific situations, such as traffic jams or emergencies.

Still, the implementation of new radars promises to improve monitoring and curb speeding violations.

According to DER, the equipment will use modern technologies to ensure greater precision and transparency in the process.

What to expect in the future

Although Doppler radar is not in DER's immediate plans for the Luiz de Queiroz Highway, its adoption in other regions is not ruled out.

With technological advances in traffic control, drivers will need to be increasingly aware of the rules to avoid penalties.

And you, what do you think of DER's decision not to install Doppler radars on the Luiz de Queiroz Highway? Participate in the comments and leave your opinion!

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22/01/2025 08:40

I don't think this will work other than creating huge traffic jams on the highways.

John Roberto Campos Goncalves
John Roberto Campos Goncalves
22/01/2025 13:09

Another trap set by the government that only wants to collect revenue.
If you were concerned about driver safety, you would improve the non-toll roads.
The IPVA was for this, but it was completely distorted.
They charge tolls and the IPVA is free so the government can buy politicians

Erik Fermi Gomes
Erik Fermi Gomes
22/01/2025 19:37

As always……raise more money
And there will certainly be even more bad robberies...especially on motorcycles...just
They are thinking about raising money
But for the safety of all Brazilians
We don't care...an ex will pull over to rob you on the highway...
If you realize….that someone is going to
Assault……….you won’t be able to speed up
To be able to try to escape... because then the radar measures the speed and then generates a fine
Above.the fine…….and the ****
Nothing happens…….and until today always
So they will never think about having one
Decent security for all Brazilians
So as I said, they will only collect more.
And more money for the government...wow!
There will be a lot of money that will be generated and received
My God... the amount is no longer enough.
Of money that they already collect with
Toll….Vehicle IPVA…tax
Married and with an apartment...taxes and everything we bought...and now this too, right?
Another suggestion of dirty money that
It will be with these smart radars……
I am ashamed to see so many things wrong and unfortunately we cannot do anything about it.
Nothing to change all this dirt
In the politics of our Brazil…….WAKE UP

Alisson Ficher

Journalist graduated in 2017 and working in the field since 2015, with six years of experience in print magazines, stints on broadcast TV channels and over 12 online publications. Specialist in politics, jobs, economics, courses, among other topics. Professional registration: 0087134/SP. If you have any questions, want to report an error or suggest a topic on the topics covered on the site, please contact us by email: alisson.hficher@outlook.com. We do not accept resumes!

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