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Government defines the regulation for aid of R$ 1 thousand to truck drivers, which will be paid through digital social savings

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 07/08/2022 às 12:10
Government, aid, truck driver
Photo: reproduction www.pexels.com

The first and second installments of the aid will be paid by the government to truck drivers on August 9

This week, the regulations regarding the Emergency Benefit for Autonomous Cargo Carriers (BEm Truck Drivers) were published in the “Official Gazette”. Thus, it was established by government bodies that the aid will be paid through digital social savings, with the deposit being operated by Caixa Econômica Federal, through the Caixa Tem application.

The government's expectation is that BEm Caminhoneiro will benefit around 900 self-employed freight transporters. According to the schedule shown below, the first two installments of the aid, worth R$ 1 thousand, will be paid to truck drivers across the country on the 9th of August. Such installments correspond to the months of July and August. The other four installments, in turn, will be paid until December, when the benefit comes to an end.

The digital social savings, which must be accessed through the Caixa Tem app, is used in the country as soon as the Emergency Aid is paid. According to the government's determination, amounts not moved for a period of 90 days, counted from the date of deposit, must return to the Union.

O benefit truck drivers is included in the pre-election social package created by the Kamikaze PEC, enacted on July 14 by Congress. The constitutional amendment increased the gas voucher, increased the value of the Auxílio Brasil from R$400 to R$600 and created a “voucher” for truck drivers and an aid for taxi drivers. Under this bias, the total cost of the package reaches the value of R$ 41,2 billion, of which R$ 5,4 billion are released to truck drivers.

What is needed to receive the benefit

All self-employed cargo transporters duly registered in the National Register of Road Cargo Transporters (RNTR-C) by May 31 of this year are entitled to the aid. Those with a “pending” or “suspended” registration status can also regularize their registration with the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT), also qualifying as beneficiaries of the aid.

The monthly payment of the benefit is independent of the number of vehicles that truck drivers own. In addition, there will be no need to present proof of purchase of diesel oil to be entitled to the amount. Professionals must have a valid CNH and CPF.

ANTT, linked to the Ministry of Infrastructure, is responsible for transferring truck drivers' data to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. So, before distributing the resources, the ministry analyzes which workers will be entitled to assistance.

On a monthly basis, ANTT will forward to the ministry the truck drivers' relationship with the active RNTR-C. Dataprev, a partner technology company of federal government, will be, in turn, responsible for analyzing, crossing and checking the data forwarded by ANTT, whose information is available in federal government databases, in order to verify the established criteria. With this, the objective is to identify the professionals eligible to receive the benefit.

The BEm Caminhoneiro will not be released if one of the following situations is verified:

  • the truck driver has the CPF pending regularization with the Federal Revenue of Brazil, in a suspended, cancelled, void situation, or of a deceased holder;
  • truck drivers have their CPF linked to the granting of a pension for death of any nature or aid to imprisonment;
  • the truck driver is entitled to a benefit for permanent incapacity for work;
  • the beneficiary has an indication of death in the Death Control System, or in the National Civil Registry Information System.

If irregularities are found due to undue payment, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security will cancel the benefit, and the beneficiary will be notified for the voluntary refund of the amounts.

How is the truck driver able to check if he is able to receive the aid?

The professional can consult his situation in the RNTR-C through the ANTT website. For this purpose, information on the transporter, location or vehicle can be used.

Furthermore, truck drivers registered with the RNTR-C can also update their registration data, such as links, address, contacts or specific information according to the category. Change requests must be made through the RNTR-C Digital or in person, at service points accredited by ANTT.

For this link, the payments made and information about the results of the processing can be consulted.

Payment schedule for aid installments

1th installment9 August
2th installment9 August
5th installment26 November
3th installmentSeptember 24
4th installmentOctober 22
6th installmentDecember 17

Source: Ministry of Labor

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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