A government proposal could bring back union dues, but with a new format.
The Minister of Labor, Luiz Marinho, revealed that the new union contribution will be presented by a parliamentarian, and not directly by the government. According to him, the decision aims to facilitate the approval of a sensitive issue in Congress.
the deputy Luiz Gastao (PSD-CE), which is part of an informal group with unions and employers' confederations, must present the text by the end of February.
The proposal suggests that all workers who benefit from negotiated raises contribute financially to unions.
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To the newspaper The Globe, Marinho explained that the objective is to guarantee the financing of union entities, which were harmed by the elimination of mandatory union contributions with the labor reform.
"It was correct to abolish the mandatory tax, which existed regardless of whether there was a benefit or not.”, defended the minister.
He compared the model to condominium management: “If a condominium approves the modernization of the building's entrance hall in an assembly, will those who are against it not have to pay the extra fee? You can complain, but you have to pay"
Resistance in Congress
The proposal is expected to face strong resistance in the National Congress. Marinho admitted that approval will depend on broad political articulation.
He highlighted that the proposed model reduces state intervention and prioritizes joint councils between workers and companies, which favors more flexible negotiations.
Still, the issue is divisive. Some lawmakers fear that the measure will reinforce the financial dependence of unions without modernizing their practices. The government is seeking consensus to avoid new political clashes.
Challenges in regulating applications
Another sensitive point addressed by the minister is the project to regulate app drivers. Marinho highlighted that the debate was hampered by fake news spread on social media. According to him, influencers distorted the content of the proposal, confusing the category.
"The project was contaminated by lies. When workers read the text, they realized it was different from what was being said on social media.”, he criticized.
The proposal aims to ensure that at least 70% of the amount paid by the passenger is passed on to the driver, combating “overexploitation”. Marinho argued that the regulation will increase safety for workers, but acknowledged the need for adjustments to meet the demands of digital platforms.
End of the day 6×1
Another controversial topic raised was the 6×1 working day model. The minister classified the format as “cruel” and suggested its gradual replacement by new collective agreements.
He assured that changes will not bring financial losses to workers and will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
For essential sectors, such as health and transportation, which operate daily, Marinho suggests alternatives that reconcile the quality of life of employees and operational needs.
The government intends to advance negotiations by the second half of the year, seeking to implement changes that modernize labor relations without causing disruptions in the market.
Ridiculous is just another disguised tax to support a service that doesn't work, we contribute with taxation on everything we consume and don't consume, we see this money being invested in security, health, education and decaying infrastructure. With the union it will be the same, the correct thing would be for whoever wants to join the union and contribute.
These politicians are missing seeing Brazilians on the streets, thinking that we have already brought the country to a standstill for less, just by increasing bus fares.
You are absolutely right.
Isn't what Brazilians pay enough? This group only thinks about taking money from the people, go to hell