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Green Wave in Agriculture: Solar Energy Transforms Rural Reality

Written by Corporate
Published 20/06/2023 às 15:18
Illustration: Field with photovoltaic supply.

Peak in Agribusiness: Photovoltaic Systems Shoot and Promote Savings of up to 95% in Energy Bills

In the ongoing struggle for efficiency and profitability in agriculture, the agricultural sector is increasingly turning to renewable energy sources. The National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) registered a 63% increase in the installation of photovoltaic systems in rural properties, evidencing the expansion of solar energy among small and large farmers.

The Dawn of Solar Energy in the Countryside

Several farmers are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with the adoption of solar energy. Capable of generating up to 95% savings on the electricity bill in four years, these systems strengthen profitability and expand agricultural production.

According to data from the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (Absolar), the installed power of solar energy in rural properties in Brazil is an impressive 1,3 MW, or 14,4% of the total. This figure represents an 83,7% jump over the previous year, highlighting the industry's growing adoption.

A successful case is Juliano Luiz dos Santos, a small farmer from São José do Belmonte, Pernambuco. By installing a photovoltaic system on his rural property, he significantly increased passion fruit production.

Agriculture in Tune with the Sun: Real Benefits

Through the installation of a 3,3 kWp solar system, with six 550W solar panels and an investment of R$15.000,00, Juliano saw his energy bill drop from R$800 to just R$10. way to an expanded production of 1,9 to more than 3 passion fruit trees in the same year.

Larger producers, such as coffee grower Rodrigo Colombi Frota, from Vila Valério, Espírito Santo, are also jumping on the green bandwagon. He implemented four solar plants with a total of 872 panels on his 440-hectare property, adding up to 401,1 kWp of installed power.

This investment is expected to save approximately R$45 per month on Rodrigo's energy bill. With solar energy boosting the productivity of his crops, he expects an increase in coffee production of 10% to 15%, resulting in a cash surplus of up to R$ 1,5 million.

Solar Energy Franchises: Engine of the Green Revolution

Solarprime, a prominent Campinas-based solar franchise network, has been at the forefront of this green revolution in the countryside. The company, which has installed more than 177 photovoltaic systems totaling more than 2,3 kWp of capacity since 2022, sees a growing trend of small, medium and large farmers opting for solar energy.

For Raphael Brito, founding partner of Solarprime, the result is a victory for society and the planet. With the generation of clean energy, the benefits extend beyond the farmers, reaching the final consumer, who has access to cheaper and more sustainable food.

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