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How will customized production change the direction of the industry?

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 28/07/2020 às 06:21
custom production industry - Aloisio Arbegaus
Aloisio Arbegaus is Commercial and Marketing Director at Teclógica, a company specialized in IT and Business management

The executive highlights one of the changes that is impacting the industry: customized production, and how it can be an important path in the recovery.

You have probably already chosen to buy a unique product. A piece of clothing or an item for your home, with unique characteristics, according to your personal taste. This is what defines custom production. And more than a business model, customization is also a trend that should strengthen the concept of industry 4.0 and promises to be increasingly present in the routine of companies.

To understand the impact of customized production on the industry, just check what market research shows. One of them was carried out by Dassault Systèmes, a world reference in solutions for Industry 4.0 and Teclógica's partner in Latin America. The data, which are the result of a global study with young people from France, China and the United States, showed that:

  •  83% of consumers want their products adapt to your needs;
  •  A fast delivery is essential and only 21% of respondents are willing to wait more than four days to receive an order;
  •  The cost of customization is not an issue, as consumers said they are willing to pay up to 25% more for a product that matches their preferences;
  •  For the industry, the Customization goes beyond personalized products. 50% of consumers understand personalization as the option of differentiated services before purchase. Services and products based on personal data recorded in previous purchases, with technological support, fit here.
  •  A Data security is a concern for 96% of consumers, who only accept sharing information if it is in exchange for customization.

In view of this study, it is evident that the need for adaptation in the industry is urgent. To the integrate technologies, data and automation into the production process that guarantee the possibility of developing customized items with investments similar to mass production, the industry manages to enter the concept of mass customization. That is: it produces items with unique characteristics and customized materials with the same speed and efficiency as mass production. 

Thus, the optimization of resources and solutions involving the collection and processing of data throughout the production line, mobility and the use of IoT, artificial intelligence and fast programming are highlighted. In this scenario, customized production will make the industry much more aligned with reality and the market, delivering products that adhere to the new reality to the consumer. 

For the industry, technology will be crucial to integrate a new consumption model without jeopardizing the sustainability of the business. The use of resources and the efficient programming of production for better use of the structure will be a competitive advantage.

An example of technology applied to industry is the factory floor management. Currently, production planning systems already bring impressive results: a year of production can be planned, for example, in just 30 minutes, through software for the segment.

That is: from the moment that the industry pays attention to the consumption trends, production could be much more competitive. And technology, aligned with the collection, analysis and transformation of data, will be the only way to strengthen business while ensuring information security and privacy.

*Aloisio Arbegaus is Commercial and Marketing director at Teclógica, a company specialized in IT and Business management that offers application development and management services, manufacturing management and products to the market for the most different market segments, such as manufacture, civil construction, corporate communication and contract management. Headquartered in Blumenau (SC), the company operates nationwide and in Latin America.

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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