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How tidal energy, an innovation in the renewable energy sector, promises to be ten times more efficient than solar energy

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 21/03/2024 às 15:12
How tidal energy, an innovation in the renewable energy sector, promises to be ten times more efficient than solar energy
Photo: Disclosure/Tidal energy

Tidal energy emerges as a promising solution to overcome the intermittency of renewable sources, with the potential to produce ten times more energy than solar energy, ensuring constant and sustainable generation by taking advantage of the natural forces of ocean tides.

The world recognizes the urgency of generating energy in a responsible and sustainable way. However, we face the challenge of intermittency with renewable sources, such as solar and wind, which do not guarantee constant energy production. A innovative solution to this impasse is tidal energy, a method that is not only environmentally friendly but also provides a constant source of energy.

Unlike solar and wind energy, whose generation is limited by environmental and daily factors, tidal energy is generated by the constant movement of ocean waters, driven by the gravitational forces of the moon and sun. This process ensures a more stable and predictable energy source.

Tidal energy

In addition to constant production, tidal energy stands out for its ability to generate large amounts of electricity. Tidal power plants, such as the pioneer one in France and the subsequent one in Nova Scotia, demonstrate the viability and durability of this technology, capable of meeting the energy demands of thousands of homes.

Facing challenges such as the high cost of implementation and possible environmental impacts, tidal energy is still in the improvement phase and is looking for ways to harmoniously integrate into the environment. Innovation continues in the search for solutions that balance cost, efficiency and sustainability.

Tidal energy emerges as a powerful force in the field of renewable energy, promising more consistent and reliable energy production, marking a promising path for the future of clean energy generation.

Where did tidal energy originate?

Tidal energy had its origins on the coast of England and France, where, as early as the 11th century, it was used to move grain mills, taking advantage of the mechanical energy generated by the tides.

Tidal power, as an electricity generation technology, was not created by a single person. Its evolution was a continuous process that involved many inventors and engineers over the centuries. However, the La Rance plant in France, inaugurated in 1967, is an important milestone in the history of tidal energy, representing the first major modern application of this technology.

What was tidal energy first used for?

Initially, tidal energy was used for mechanical activities, mainly to move grain mills, using the force of tidal waters to perform mechanical work. This primitive use was crucial to the development of coastal communities and represented the first step in the use of tidal energy, long before its application for electricity generation.

This transition from mechanical use to electrical power generation highlighted the potential of tides as a renewable and sustainable energy source, leading to significant advances in technology for harnessing tidal energy and its integration into the global energy mix.

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Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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