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IF and the Government of Minas Gerais launch 650 vacancies for free courses in the distance learning modality!

Written by Sara Aquino
Published 21/01/2025 às 11:06
Government and IFSuldeMinas announce hundreds of vacancies for free distance learning courses, find out how to sign up
Source: Canva

Government and IF Sul de Minas announce hundreds of vacancies for free courses in the distance learning format, find out how to register

The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southern Minas Gerais (IF Sul de Minas), in partnership with the Government of Minas Gerais and the State Secretariat of Culture and Tourism (Secult-MG), announced the launch of two new free courses, inscriptions for the vacancies are already available.

Aiming to train professionals and interested parties, the courses are an excellent opportunity for those seeking to qualify in the growing tourism industry in the state.

Free distance learning courses at IF: Registration open until February 3rd

The program "Knowledge Routes“, which aims to promote education in various areas of knowledge, offers this year, through a partnership with the state government, around 650 places for two free courses in the EaD (Distance Education) modality.

The courses have a workload of 40 hours and are accessible to anyone who is at least 16 years old, has completed elementary school and lives in Minas Gerais. At the end, participants receive a certificate of completion, which can be a differential important in the job market.

The available courses are:

Event Organization: From Concept to Realization – With 400 places, this course aims to train students to plan, organize and execute events effectively and safely, taking into account socio-environmental responsibility.

Religious Tourism: Strategies and Techniques for Managers and Professionals – Focused on the development of religious tourism, with 250 places, the course teaches management and planning techniques, promoting the appreciation of local cultural and religious heritage.

Opportunity for qualification in the tourism sector

The courses are an excellent opportunity for those who want to specialize or improve your skills in the areas of event organization and religious tourism.

The state of Minas Gerais has great cultural and religious wealth, and training professionals in the sector is essential for sustainable development and increasing the competitiveness of regional tourism.

With open for subscriptions Until February 3, 2025, interested parties can access the official IFSul de Minas website to register and guarantee participation.

The “Rotas do Conhecimento” program has already offered 2024 vacancies in 1.500 and, for 2025, the expectation is to offer around 5 vacancies in various free courses, contributing to the training of a qualified workforce in the state.

Distance Learning Courses: Flexibility and accessibility for everyone

In addition to being free, the courses are offered in the following formats: EAD, allowing greater flexibility for participants, who can organize themselves to study at their own pace and from anywhere in Minas Gerais. This modality also facilitates digital inclusion and offers access to education to a wider audience.

For more information about the courses, access the respective notices through the links below:

To register for the courses offered, access the link: https://suap.ifsuldeminas.edu.br/inscricoesfic/efetuar_inscricao/

Don't miss the chance to qualify with a free course and make a difference in the job market in Minas Gerais!

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Maiara Oliveira
Maiara Oliveira
22/01/2025 15:10

I want my dream

Sara Aquino

General Pharmacist and Writer. I write about Jobs, Courses, Science, Technology and Energy. Passionate about reading, writing and music.

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