One of the largest road projects in Brazil, the widening of the BR-381 highway, brings economic benefits, but forces 2 families to leave their homes. Between progress and sacrifices, the issue divides opinions. How can we balance development and social justice?
An ambitious work, marked by promises of traffic improvements and economic development, will also bring challenges of great social impact.
The duplication of an important federal highway promises to transform the logistics of Minas Gerais and neighboring regions, but the execution of this project is surrounded by a delicate issue: the resettlement of around two thousand families that will be directly affected by the project.
The future of these people raises concerns that go beyond asphalt and engineering.
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The mega duplication: details and objectives
Last Wednesday (22), the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) and the federal government officially began work on the duplication of BR-381/MG.
The ceremony, held at the Planalto Palace in the presence of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and the Minister of Transport, Renan Filho, marked the signing of the concession contract that transfers management of the highway to Concessionária Nova 381 for a period of 30 years.
According to DNIT, the duplication and paving cover lots 8A and 8B of the highway, with more than 31 kilometers located in the Belo Horizonte region.
The total investment for the works is R$900 million, with completion scheduled for 2028.
Lot 8A, which extends from km 422,4 to km 440,4, will receive restoration, duplication and route improvements. Lot 8B, from km 440,4 to km 453,8, will have similar services.
This highway is one of the country's main logistics corridors, connecting the state of Minas Gerais to Espírito Santo and São Paulo, in addition to crossing the strategic region of Vale do Aço.
Every day, around 24,7 vehicles travel along BR-381, including heavy trucks that transport industrial and agricultural products, essential for the local and national economy.
Economic and social impacts
The concession of 303,4 kilometers of highway will allow total investments of R$10 billion, which include both capital expenditure (Capex) and operational expenditure (Opex).
It is estimated that 83,5 direct and indirect jobs will be created throughout the contract.
The works include the duplication of 106 kilometers of the highway, 83 kilometers of additional lanes, 51 changes to the route, and the installation of 23 pedestrian walkways.
In addition, Stopping and Resting Points (PPD) will be created for truck drivers, escape areas, and a robust user service system, including medical and mechanical support.
All of this is intended to increase traffic safety and efficiency in the region, directly benefiting 3,7 million people who depend on BR-381.
On the other hand, the social impacts of the work are alarming. More than 2 families will be affected by the expropriation of properties and resettlements.
According to the federal government, 215 expropriations and 1.600 resettlements will be necessary just in the section that runs from Belo Horizonte to the district of Ravena, in Sabará.
There is still no official cost estimate for these removals, which has generated uncertainty and concerns among residents.
Most complex part of the work
The so-called lot 8B, 13 kilometers long, is considered the most challenging section of the duplication.
It connects Belo Horizonte to the district of Ravena and presents significant technical difficulties due to the rugged terrain and high population density on the sides of the highway.
Last week, six companies submitted proposals to execute projects and works on this section, considered fundamental for the advancement of the project.
The duplication of this section is not limited to improvements in infrastructure. It also includes the construction of walkways, escape areas and adjustments to the route, aiming at greater road safety.
However, the human cost of these changes is undeniable, with countless families having to abandon their homes and adapt their lives to a new reality.
The promise of regional development
Despite the adversities, the government argues that the duplication of BR-381 is crucial for the development of Minas Gerais and neighboring states.
The Minister of Transport, Renan Filho, highlighted that the work represents a milestone in national infrastructure.
“We are taking two essential lots for the country off the drawing board. This duplication will transform the region’s logistics and generate thousands of jobs,” he said.
Experts point out that improvements to the highway could significantly reduce the number of accidents and facilitate the flow of industrial, agricultural and mineral production in the region.
Furthermore, the project has the potential to boost tourism in Minas Gerais, connecting the main cities of the state more quickly and safely.
The difficult issue of expropriations on BR-381
While the government celebrates advances in infrastructure, expropriations remain the most sensitive point of the project.
According to residents of the affected regions, there is little clarity about how the resettlements will be carried out.
Many fear losing not only their homes, but also their communities, social ties and ways of life.
Social entities and local leaders have been pressuring the government for more transparency and guarantees that the resettlements will be carried out in a fair and dignified manner.
To date, there are no details on the criteria that will be used to financially compensate the affected families, nor on the locations designated for resettlement.
What is the future for families affected by the works on BR-381?
The widening of BR-381 raises a central question: how to balance progress and social justice? Although the economic and logistical benefits are evident, the human impact cannot be ignored.
Is development worth the price of these expropriations? Leave your opinion in the comments and participate in the discussion on this important topic.
People invade federal, state and municipal areas, and then in order to carry out essential work in the invaded area, the government has to compensate people so they can leave with “dignity”. What kind of law is this?!
I'm from Caeté. We've been waiting for this widening for over 35 years. We've lost friends and acquaintances on this highway of death. I witnessed the misappropriation of land along the side of this highway, and nothing was done. Now it's time to relocate the people. And give the users (us) a decent road. If you drive along it now, the neglect is surreal. You have to drive by to see it. Surreal.
BR 381 today is more important than the residents, BR takes lives, people are there because they knew that the Government pays, a lot or a little, they are there for fun, they didn't pay for the place