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Amid the pandemic Aneel will transfer 2 billion reais to help electric power companies

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 08/04/2020 às 16:12
Amid the pandemic Aneel will transfer 2 billion reais to help electric power companies
Amid the pandemic Aneel will transfer 2 billion reais to help electric power companies

The National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) authorized yesterday (07) that the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE) pass on to the distributors of the National Interconnected System (SIN) and to part of the free market agents, the financial resources available in the reserve fund for future burden relief. Government of Rio wants more information about the cut in oil production announced by Petrobras

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With the measure, R$ 2,022 billion will be reserved for future burden relief for distributors in the regulated contracting environment (ACR) and for 7.166 agents in the free contracting environment (ACL), benefiting the entire energy generation, transmission and distribution chain.

According to CCEE, R$ 1,475 billion will be allocated to distributors and to free consumers the rest of the resource valued at R$ 547 million.

Aneel's decision also authorizes CCEE to make new transfers throughout 2020, whenever there is a positive balance in the reserve fund for future burden relief. According to CCEE, today they buy 17% more than they can sell.

The entity's expectation is that the oversupply will reach 30% in June. By current rules, they have a margin of error of just 5%. After that, they assume the loss. The release of funds from sectoral funds was one of the measures being studied to ease the segment's cash flow.

Government and distributors are also negotiating a loan along the lines of the one closed during the crisis caused by high energy prices in 2014. To solve the problem, government and companies contracted with a pool of banks R$ 21,2 billion, which were paid by consumers in installments charged on Brazilians' electricity bills by 2019.

Crisis in the Electric Energy sector due to the pandemic

There is still no estimate of the size of the current gap in the electricity sector. The market assesses that the problem may be lasting, since the demand for energy tends to take a long time to return to pre-crisis levels if the recovery of the economy is slow.

In order to reduce the risks of a liquidity crisis in the electricity sector, the government is also considering paying with Treasury resources the electricity bills of the low-income population, who are more vulnerable to loss of income during the isolation period. The measure would reduce default expectations.

At the end of March, Aneel suspended the possibility of electricity cuts for non-payment for 90 days. Debts can be collected using other mechanisms, such as enrollment in negative credit registers, but the supply must be maintained.

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Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact flaviacamil@gmail.com for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our website. Do not send your resume, we are not hiring!

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