Fully updated job vacancies by Bom Sucesso sugar and ethanol plant for mechanic, welder, leader and more
Job openings in Goiás, for primary and secondary education opened by the Bom Sucesso Sugar and Ethanol Plant to meet the company's 2023 harvest. Opportunities are for maintenance and operational positions. Check the requirements and send your resume immediately!
Usina Bom Sucesso Agroindústria Ltda was acquired by VREC – Vital Renewable Energy Company, which was officially established at the end of 2008 with the objective of investing in the Brazilian sugar-energy sector – production of ethanol, sugar and energy.
Check below the job vacancies opened by the Usina Good success for primary and secondary education professionals in Goiás
- Storekeeper
- General Services Assistant
- tire repairman
- automotive electrician
- Automotive Lubricator
- Truck Mechanic
- Harvester Mechanic
- Implement Mechanic
- Trailer Mechanic
- rubber driver
- bucket driver
- sugarcane driver
- train driver
- kite driver
- Driver Rodo Vinaça
- Harvester Operator
- Machine operator
- Transhipment Operator
- Tractor Operator
- Soil Preparation Operator
- Automotive Welder
- Vigilant
- Laboratory Analyst
- Laboratory Assistant
- industrial boilermaker
- cooker
- Distiller
- industrial instrumentalist
- Industrial Lubricator
- Boiler Operator
- centrifuge operator
- COI operator
- ETA operator
- Hydrojet Operator
- industrial welder
- Vigilant
Benefits: the Bom Sucesso ethanol plant offers excellent benefits to employees, such as: health and dental plan, group life insurance, transportation and meals.
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If you are a qualified professional in the position above, meet the company's requirements and are available to work at the ethanol plant in Goiás, send your resume stating the name of the position in the subject field of the email to recruitment@bsabioenergia.com.br or by WhatsApp (64)99309-8431
Raízen, from the Shell Group, wants to build three plants producing ethanol made from sugarcane bagasse and straw
Raízen, the giant global producer of ethanol together with Shell, intends to build three more cellulosic ethanol plants – or second generation. The good news was announced by businessman Rubens Ometto, from Cosan.
According to Raizen, The purchase includes nine strategically located sugar and ethanol plants (six in the State of São Paulo, two in Mato Grosso do Sul and one in Minas Gerais), representing an installed crushing capacity of up to 32 million tons of sugarcane. The operation also includes energy cogeneration, with an export capacity of up to 1.3 GWh of electricity/year, and an area of 280 hectares of planted sugarcane.
With the integration, Raízen, a j da Cosan and Shell, will now have a total of 35 ethanol producing plants, totaling an installed crushing capacity of 105 million tons of sugarcane and around 1,3 million hectares of crops, equivalent to 15% of the Brazilian planted area.