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Log-In Intermodal Logistics: continuous profit and strategic expansion

Written by Corporate
Published 21/11/2023 às 18:13
Log-In Intermodal Logistics
Photo: Renata Oliveira - EPR.

Reaching historic mark of R$40,6 million in profit

Log-In Logística Intermodal, a renowned logistics and shipping solutions company, announced an impressive profit of R$40,6 million in the third quarter of 2023, marking its tenth consecutive quarter of profit. This growth of 12,8% compared to the same period of the previous year reflects the Company's strength and resilience in the sector.

Financial and operational highlights

In addition to the notable profit, Log-In achieved a historic record in Net Operating Revenue (NOR), reaching R$622,9 million, and a significant Adjusted EBITDA of R$173,9 million. These results exemplify the company's financial strength and its ability to adapt to a dynamic market.

The Company credits these extraordinary results to the historic NOR records in the Coastal Shipping business towers and in the Vila Velha Port Terminal (TVV). The Amazonas Express Service (SEA) boosted Coastal Shipping revenue, while TVV benefited from the increase in container movement. Furthermore, the Road Freight Transport area, made up of Tecmar Transportes and Oliva Pinto, showed positive results thanks to greater operational efficiency and improvements in the level of service.

Log-In’s growth vision

Pascoal Gomes, CFO and DRI at Log-In Logística Intermodal, emphasizes that continued growth is the result of robust planning, aimed at improving operations and expanding the business. “We invested heavily to expand our strategy and service offering, integrating the benefits of each mode. With this, we have reaped significant results”, says Gomes.

Advances in the shipping and logistics solutions sectors

Coastal Shipping Driving Growth

Log-In Coastal Shipping benefited from the addition of two new ships, increasing the Company's nominal capacity by 19,4%. With a record 136 thousand TEUs handled, the Net Operating Revenue of this tower reached R$373,1 million, a growth of 22,7% compared to the previous year. The adjusted EBITDA of this area also grew 22,7%, totaling R$132 million.

Innovation in logistics solutions (3PL)

Log-In offers customized logistics solutions (3PL) in addition to maritime and port services. In the third quarter of 2023, the Company recorded a 9,7% growth in Net Operating Revenue and a 13,7% increase in EBITDA, reaching R$6,7 million. These numbers demonstrate Log-In's effectiveness in diversifying and strengthening its operations.

Vila Velha port terminal (TVV) on the rise

TVV achieved an all-time record in Net Revenue with R$91 million in 3Q23, an increase of 8,3% compared to the previous year. TVV's EBITDA also grew, totaling R$46,4 million, benefiting from the increase in container movement and the innovative import of vehicles on the route between Brazil and China.

Focus on road freight transport

Net Operating Revenue in the Road Freight Transport sector was R$145,9 million in 3Q23, an increase of 19,6%. Adjusted EBITDA grew an impressive 88,8%, reaching R$12,9 million. The service diversification strategy and improvement in operational efficiency were crucial to these results.

Commitment to sustainability and governance

Log-In remains committed to an environmental, social and corporate governance (EESG) sustainability agenda, transparently presenting its indicators in the Sustainability Report. Recent initiatives include the delivery of the Dual Materiality Matrix, the First ESG Week and the launch of the ESG Booklet.

About Log-In intermodal logistics

Log-In Logística Intermodal stands out in the sector of logistics solutions, port handling and coastal navigation, connecting Brazil and Mercosur by sea and land. The company manages and operates the Vila Velha Port Terminal, in addition to two intermodal terminals and the Road Cargo Transport companies Tecmar Transportes and Oliva Pinto, strengthening integration between modes.

For more information, visit www.loginlogistica.com.br.

Source: Renata Oliveira – EPR.

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