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Look at the fine! After months of study, the state begins installing new speed reducers and curbs

Written by Alisson Ficher
Published 17/01/2025 às 12:59
The state begins installing radars and speed reducers after months of studies to increase safety and reduce accidents on highways.
The state begins installing radars and speed reducers after months of studies to increase safety and reduce accidents on highways.

After two months of detailed studies, the state begins installing new radars and speed bumps. The measure covers important highways with the aim of reducing accidents and saving lives. The equipment will go into operation in February, but has already sparked debates about safety and monitoring. Fines in sight?

Drivers who travel along the highways of Vale do Caí and Serra Gaúcha should be aware of a new development that promises to have a direct impact on safety and pockets: New radars and speed reducers are being installed at 15 strategic points in the region.

The decision, which seeks to reduce accident rates, was taken after two months of technical studies and detailed data analysis.

Where will the equipment be installed?

According to the concessionaire Caminhos da Serra Gaúcha (CSG), the speed controllers will be distributed along the highways ERS-122, RSC-453, ERS-240, RSC-287 and BR-470.

In total, 25 new pieces of equipment, including radars and speed reducers, will be in operation, with operations expected to begin in February 2025, although the exact date has not yet been confirmed.

ERS-122, one of the busiest highways in the region, will receive the largest number of devices, with 10 monitored points.

The remaining equipment will be distributed along the other highways mentioned, covering sections considered critical.

Studies and justifications

As explained by CSG CEO Ricardo Peres, the decision to install the controllers was taken after a detailed study that identified the locations with the highest incidence of accidents.

"During the study, in addition to our technical assessment, we listened to security institutions and local communities to define the most urgent sections., ensuring that the measure is effective in preventing collisions and run-overs,” he highlighted.

Initially, the contract provided for the installation of controllers at only 10 points.

However, After in-depth testing and analysis, it was decided to expand the project, adding five more points to cover critical areas, increasing the safety of drivers and pedestrians.

Which sections will be monitored?

Check below the sections that will receive the new devices, including the speed limits that must be respected:


  • Two speed bumps at kilometer 7 (both directions), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.


  • Two speed bumps at kilometer 1 (both directions), with a speed limit of 40 km/h.

BR 470

  • Two radars at kilometer 226,2 (both directions), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.


  • Two speed bumps at kilometer 107 (both directions), with a speed limit of 50 km/h.
  • Two radars at kilometer 117 (both directions), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.


  • Two speed bumps at kilometer 10,8 (both directions), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.
  • A radar at kilometer 46,1 (towards Caxias do Sul), with a speed limit of 50 km/h.
  • A radar at kilometer 46,7 (towards the capital), with a speed limit of 50 km/h.
  • Two radars at kilometer 50,5 (both directions), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.
  • A radar at kilometer 55,6 (towards Serra), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.
  • Two radars at kilometer 72,1 (both directions), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.
  • Two radars at kilometer 85,5 (both directions), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.
  • Two speed bumps at kilometer 92 (both directions), with a speed limit of 40 km/h.
  • A radar at kilometer 107,9 (towards Vacaria), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.
  • A radar at kilometer 136,2 (towards Vacaria), with a speed limit of 60 km/h.

Fines and liability

It is important to highlight that, according to the CSG, The responsibility for issuing speeding fines lies with the Autonomous Department of Highways (Daer), and the amounts collected will be allocated to the government of Rio Grande do Sul.

The concessionaire emphasized that all sections will have adequate signage, in accordance with the rules of the Brazilian Traffic Code.

Impact on security

The main objective of implementing new equipment is to reduction of accidents and increased safety on the region's highways.

Studies indicate that the presence of radars and speed bumps contributes significantly to reducing infractions and the severity of accidents, especially on stretches with a high collision rate.

With the new devices, a drop in the number of incidents is expected, in addition to greater awareness among drivers about the importance of respecting speed limits.

Do you believe that installing these radars will actually reduce the number of accidents? Or do drivers still need to be more aware of how to ensure safety on the highways? Leave your opinion in the comments!

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Alisson Ficher

Journalist graduated in 2017 and working in the field since 2015, with six years of experience in print magazines, stints on broadcast TV channels and over 12 online publications. Specialist in politics, jobs, economics, courses, among other topics. Professional registration: 0087134/SP. If you have any questions, want to report an error or suggest a topic on the topics covered on the site, please contact us by email: alisson.hficher@outlook.com. We do not accept resumes!

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