The Maritime Agency Marenostrum is hiring the professional Deck Sailor to work in Rio de Janeiro
The vacancy was disclosed by the company's Human Resources, through its official information vehicle on April 08th. Below you will find all the details required by the company, such as courses, qualifications, documentation and the address to register for the position of Deck Sailor
About the company
Over two decades, Marenostrum expanded and spread along the Brazilian coastline, serving the companies of the Petrobras Group with maritime and port support provided to the Waterway Terminals of Salvador-Ba , Aracajú-Se, Maceio-Al, Suape-Pe , São Luis -Ma, Belem and Vila do Conde – Pa, Manaus-Am, Coari (upper Amazon), Angra dos Reis-Rj and Paranaguá-PA.
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As of 2011, the company also started to operate in the Campos, Santos and Espirito Santo Basins, providing highly specialized maritime assistance with Mooring Masters (Maneuvering Captains), independent of other services that continued in progress in other states such as Salvage Support on Offshore Platforms, launch of Containment Barriers during ship supplies and operation of vessels in aid of the mooring and unmooring tasks of ships in buoys.
- Minimum experience of 1 year as a deckhand;
- Complete high school;
- Certificate of Competence for the category established in Rule II/5 of STCW-78/95, in the category of Deck Sailor (MNC);
- ABLE SEAMAN training course, taught by an institution approved by the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
- NR-33 course for authorized workers and security guards;
- Residence in Rio de Janeiro;
If you have the above courses and qualifications required by the company send your updated resume to Good luck to everyone! Check out these open positions to Sao Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.