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MRV opens huge selection process with more than 200 job openings for Brazilians with secondary and higher education

Written by Sara Aquino
Published 13/01/2025 às 22:59
MRV is hiring all over Brazil, with vacancies especially in Minas Gerais (MG). These are jobs for secondary and higher education levels.
Source: Canva

MRV is hiring throughout Brazil, with vacancies especially in Minas Gerais (MG). These are jobs for secondary and higher education levels.

MRV, the largest construction company in Latin America, has a large number of jobs open in Minas Gerais, there are opportunities for higher, technical and secondary levels.

Recognized for its 43-year history and for being an innovative company in the housing sector, the company seeks professionals who want to grow and transform the real estate market together with an engaged and transformative team.

With positions ranging from technical levels to leadership roles, the vacancies offered by MRV stand out for their emphasis on values ​​such as innovation, sustainability and valuing human capital.

Check out the vacancies available at MRV

Occupational safety technicians

vacancies for work safety technician are distributed in different cities of Minas Gerais:

Occupational safety technician I

Requirements: Technical training in occupational safety, experience in building construction, registration with the MTE, intermediate knowledge of the Office package and familiarity with ISO 45001 and ISO 14001.

Location: Belo Horizonte. Registrations

Location: Holy Lagoon. Registrations

Location: Score. Registrations

Occupational safety technician II

Location: Uberlandia

Requirements: Technical training in occupational safety, advanced experience in building construction, advanced knowledge of the Office package, registration with the MTE, and certification in ISO 45001.


work safety technician

Location: Uberaba

Technical training in work safety;

Experience in civil construction;

Knowledge of regulatory standards and active registration with the MTE


building technician

Location: Contagem


Technical training in buildings;

Knowledge of AutoCAD and BIM methodologies;

Proactivity and good communication.


Administrative and support positions

Construction administrative assistant (PCD)

Location: Sete Lagoas

Requirements: Completed high school education, organization, knowledge of administrative routines and experience in construction will be a plus.


Commercial assistant

Location: Belo Horizonte

Requirements: Higher education in progress in administration, marketing or related areas, sales experience and knowledge of CRM.


Administrative Assistant Apprentice

Location: Belo Horizonte

Requirements: High school completed or in progress, basic computer skills and interest in learning administrative routines.


Job vacancies for higher education

Trade and Marketing Manager

Location: Belo Horizonte

Requirements: Completed degree in administration, marketing or related areas, experience in team management and strategic planning, as well as mastery of BI tools.


Supply Specialist – Concrete

Location: Belo Horizonte

Requirements: Higher education in civil engineering or related fields, experience in negotiations and technical knowledge of concrete materials.


Construction Engineer

Location: Contagem

Requirements: Degree in civil engineering, experience in large-scale residential projects and active registration with CREA.


Senior Process Analyst

Location: Belo Horizonte

Requirements: Degree in administration, engineering or related areas, proven experience in process improvement and Lean Six Sigma certification will be a differential.


Other opportunities available

In addition to the positions already mentioned, MRV is recruiting professionals for several other roles:

IT Solutions Architect

Location: Belo Horizonte

Requirements: Degree in computer Science, software engineering or related areas, experience with systems architecture and knowledge of agile methodologies.


Full human resources analyst

Location: Uberlandia

Requirements: Degree in psychology, administration or related areas, experience in recruitment and selection processes and mastery of behavioral assessment tools.


works coordinator

Location: Belo Horizonte

Requirements: Degree in civil engineering, experience in managing teams and civil construction projects, and mastery of tools such as MS Project.


Benefits offered by MRV

MRV offers a wide range of benefits, such as:

Market compatible wage;

Flexible feeding benefit;

Health and dental plans;

Transportation vouchers;

Gympass and other benefits.

How to apply for job openings?

Interested parties should access the links provided for each position. The process is conducted by the Gupy platform, ensuring transparency and practicality.

Join now and become part of the Sangue Verde team! Take advantage of the opportunity to work in a company that values ​​talent and seeks to transform the future through the construction of dreams.

About MRV

MRV is made up of the brands MRV, Urba, Luggo, Sensia and Resia, acting as a true housing platform.

With a culture of innovation and sustainability, the company aims to transform lives and contribute to society through affordable and quality housing solutions. Join this team of professionals who make a difference in the real estate market!

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Sara Aquino

General Pharmacist and Writer. I write about Jobs, Courses, Science, Technology and Energy. Passionate about reading, writing and music.

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