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Multinational logistics and maritime transport, Monjasa, has job vacancies for Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and abroad offshore and onshore. See how to apply and work with the giant!

Written by Daiane Souza
Published 14/07/2022 às 06:20
Updated 13/07/2022 às 12:19
Marine transport multinational, Monjasa, has job vacancies for Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and abroad offshore and onshore. See how to apply and work with the giant! - Source: Canva
Marine transport multinational, Monjasa, has job openings for Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and abroad offshore and onshore. See how to apply and work with the giant! – Source: Canva

Monjasa is an existing company in the shipping and shipping market for over 20 years, helping the bunker sector.

The multinational shipping company, Monjasa, has job openings available for professionals willing to work in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) or abroad, in countries such as China and Vietnam. There are offshore and onshore opportunities to make your CV richer. Application for opportunities takes place through the careers. 

Monjasa job openings: onshore and offshore both in Brazil and abroad 

Corporate Video: Monjasa Means Personal Business (Portuguese) Source: Monjasa

See, below, which are the job openings offered by Monjasa both in Brazil and abroad. Opportunities for professionals are available to work in person in the state of Rio de Janeiro - RJ)

NOTE: after the description of each of the opportunities, it will be possible to find an application link that will allow access to the candidate page for sending the curriculum through the Careers portal. It is required, as it is a multinational, that you have fluent English. 


Trader opportunity is destined to work in the capital of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The professional will have some functions in his day to day with the institution, such as: 

  • Develop and maintain a super solid and stable portfolio with the institution's clients.
  • Have solid relationships with customers and guarantee quantity in investments to expand portfolios. 
  • Provide expert bunker advice.
  • Create and develop contracts for the supply of physical products for the institution's activities, both with payment in cash and in installments. 
  • Build relationships with investments to ensure practical operations and positive commercial discounts for cash returns. 
  • Stay active in the public view of the institution. 

Click right below for more information about candidacy and requirements to be part of the selective process for Trader. 

marketing executive 

One of the requirements to apply as a marketing executive is good communication in English, both oral and written. In addition, it is important that you have proven experience in managing teams and working with the offshore and onshore industry. 

Among the functions that will be part of the portfolio of functions of the professional in his day to day, we can mention: 

  • Develop and maintain a solid and stable portfolio with the company's customers and suppliers. 
  • Have knowledge about marketing practices to ensure a better return on the company's shares in the Vietnam and China. 
  • Key and effective contact with professionals responsible for providing physical supplies for the company's operations. 
  • Ensure full customer satisfaction in all actions taken and acquired by the institution.
  • Build constructive relationships with customers and suppliers. 
  • Communicate to global teams about possible manifestations that could affect the institution's image. 

Click right below for more information about candidacy and requirements to be part of the selection process for executive marketing. 

About Monjasa, leader in maritime transport

Monjasa is a multinational that works with maritime transport and has several certifications to operate in the sector in which it operates, namely ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001. In addition, all its products comply with ISO 8217. The institution is part of an exclusive club of quality suppliers and provides excellent communication with customers. On Linkedin, it is estimated that they have at least 250 registered employees and more than 20 followers. 

Monjasa is among the five largest bunker companies in the world and has consolidated assets of an unbelievable amount of US$ 155 million, with a solvency ratio of 31%. 

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