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New solar plant by Swift and Seara, belonging to the JBS Group, increases the use of renewable energy in its operations

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 20/07/2022 às 09:00
Swift and Seara, from JBS, expand the use of clean energy with the implementation of a new solar plant. The venture belongs to the company Âmbar Energia, a solutions company of the J&F Investimentos group, and aims to focus on renewable energies to increase the capacity of its operations.
Photo: Pixabay

Swift and Seara, from JBS, expand the use of clean energy with the implementation of a new solar plant. The venture belongs to the company Âmbar Energia, a solutions company of the J&F Investimentos group, and aims to focus on renewable energies to increase the capacity of its operations.

On Monday, (18/07), JBS informed that Swift and Seara, both belonging to the group in Brazil, are increasing the consumption of renewable energy in their operations and will acquire part of the energy produced by the Ámbar Saltinho Photovoltaic Plant (UFV), located in Saltinho, São Paulo, inaugurated last week.

According to the statement, the project belongs to the company Âmbar Energia

In this sense, according to the statement issued, the project belongs to the energy solutions company of the J&F group, Âmbar Energia. It is important to highlight that UFV Saltinho is composed of four plants, which add up to 9.408 photovoltaic panels. Thus, together, they reach a power of 5.174 kWp, equivalent to the energy consumed by 2,8 homes.

The new system will prevent the emission of 12,193 tons of CO₂ into the atmosphere, the same as planting 4 new trees per month, which, in addition to being a great measure for the company, will also help the environment a lot. In addition, this renewable energy will supply the demand of several customers, including Swift and integrated producers of Seara, and will supply energy to the homes of all employees of the entire J&F group.

“The consumption of renewable energy by the Swift and Seara operations is part of JBS' efforts to become Net Zero in 2040, that is, to bring its net emissions to zero and offset residual emissions. Within this strategy, Swift's goal is to have 100% of its stores supplied by a renewable source by 2025,” he said in a note.

Seara aims to reduce its scope 3 emissions

Thus, Seara aims to reduce its Scope 3 emissions, by supplying Ámbar with clean and renewable energy for its outgrowers. The energy generated by the plant will be used by the brand's incorporated companies in the region of the cities of Amparo and Nuporanga, in the interior of São Paulo. And the expectation is that, in addition to bringing greater sustainability, the initiative will also reduce the electricity bill by 20%.

The new plant is the first inaugurated by the company that started investing in the solar power generation sector in 2021. In addition, it is important to highlight that the project involved an investment of approximately R$ 23 million and the company's main points of work are respect for the environment and safety, both for its employees and the communities where it operates.

That is why the company has sought to invest more and more in renewable energy sources that can contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. 

In addition to investments in UFVs spread across the country, Âmbar is also investing in the construction of micro plants on customer properties, such as on the roofs of Swift stores.

Currently, in the portfolio produced by Âmbar Energia in Distributed Generation, there are 58 of these photovoltaic plants in commercial operation, five awaiting connection and three in the construction phase, totaling 2.185 kWp, in six distribution concessionaires in the Southeast.

“The inauguration of UFV Âmbar Saltinho is a milestone in our growth strategy in renewable energies. We will invest more than BRL 6,5 billion in solar generation alone by 2025”, said Marcelo Zanata, president of Âmbar Energia. 

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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