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Offshore company in Macaé is hiring. Find out how to apply

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 05/03/2018 às 07:58
Updated 04/03/2018 às 23:39


The functions are for offshore vacancies on oil and gas platforms in the Campos Basin. Many of the functions are available for PCD

There offshore jobs davailable for professionals who wish to work on some platforms in the Campos Basin Today. Opportunities are updated and were published about two days ago in various positions. In the next paragraphs, you will know how to apply and the positions available, but first, be aware that the CEPEM has a flood of vacancies for seafarers and offshore as well, access the article for more details.

Available vacancies

The company that is hiring and disclosed the recruitment process is Alphatec Engenharia, currently it has a strategic base located in Macaé, located relatively close to the petrochemical complex of Cabiúnas. The following open positions are:


  • helpers
  • Technical Assistants
  • TIG/ER welders (Offshore)
  • Electrical Inspectors (Offshore)


  • Young Apprentices
  • interns
  • estimators
  • Buyers

To apply for offshore vacancies, courses in Salvage, HUET and professional training in the areas described will be required, in addition to proven experience in the Employment Card. Estimators and purchasers only experience in functions. Interns, young apprentices, assistants and technical assistants do not need experience. For all the positions described above, Persons with Special Needs can also send their resumes, simply mentioning the disability in the e-mail.

Al´phatec with offshore vacancies

Interested and within the function, send your CV's to avt@alphatec.ind.br, informing the function name in the message title. On February 5th (today) registrations for the Petrobras tender close, are you going to let this opportunity pass? There are vacancies for technicians and engineers in the most varied functions, but for that you need to study. Luckily, Click Petróleo e Gás is providing specific handouts common to all positions and didactics..

Paulo Nogueira

With a technical background, I worked in the offshore oil and gas market for a few years. Today, my team and I are dedicated to bringing information from the Brazilian energy sector and the world, always with credible and up-to-date sources.

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