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Offshore opportunities in oil companies move the economy today in RJ

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 14/06/2017 às 07:27
Updated 16/06/2017 às 09:19


Offshore opportunities in oil companies move the economy today in RJOffshore opportunities in oil companies move the economy today in RJ

Offshore and onshore companies have vacancies for technicians, engineers and administrators today in several regions of Rio

Many offshore opportunities in human resource companies and contractors are open today. This is due to the demand for services under the promise of a better 2nd semester as a result of the pre-salt auctions and Brazil Offshore fair which will start next week. Due to these latent milestones, some companies are already mobilizing and hiring manpower, aiming at massive operational activities starting in July.

Right below, you will see what are the open opportunities. But attention! Send resume only if you fit the duties of the positions. There is no point in sending your resume outside the parameters or functions that differ from your areas of expertise because companies will not accept it and your e-mails will be blocked for future hiring.

The positions required for today are:

  • Work safety technicians
  • work coordinators
  • inspectors
  • Automation Technicians
  • Engineers
  • Business Administration
  • work nurses
  • Mechanical Technicians

Work safety technicians

Occupational safety technicians with experience on board and on land are required. Send your resumes with the desired salary range to recruittalentosoffshore@gmail.com. If you do not include a salary claim in the email, your qualifications will not be considered. 

work coordinators

Work coordinators who obtain ABS ME, NR-33, NR-35 and salvage qualifications, please send an email to recruittalentosoffshore@gmail.com. Remembering those who have the ABS, will have more relevance in the selection process.


Inspectors are being called in at this time, but for this it is necessary to have the ACFM qualifications of Abendi, Irata, regulatory standards 33 and 35 and salvage. If you fit the profile, put ACFM Inspector in the subject by sending a message to recruittalentosoffshore@gmail.com.

Automation Technicians

Polar CS Offshore has vacancies for Automation Technicians, requiring a technical course, CREA, advanced English, mastery of text and spreadsheet programs and 5 years of experience in the role. The company will offer great benefits and salary. Interested CLICK HERE TO APPLY


Engineers with a post-graduate degree in occupational safety are needed to work in the Petrobras area. For this, it is necessary to have experience in the function and to be residents of the City of Macaé-RJ. Whoever meets these requirements, the starting salary will be almost R$8.000,00. Send an email to posqhse@gmail.com if you fit the job description.


Professionals who have a degree in administration, accounting and related areas, experience in oil companies, know how to deal with contracts of different natures and financial procedures, please send your urgent e-mails to recruit.vagas2017@gmail.com.

Engineering, Administration and Economics

Mestra Soluções em RH has open positions for specialists in engineering, administration and economics. These eventual collaborators must know how to handle requests for supplies on demand from a list or pre-established for quotations, negotiate and evaluate proposals, hire services and hold occasional meetings with suppliers. Preferably candidates who have a postgraduate degree in Supply Chain. Send your summaries to opportunities@mestrasolucoesemrh.com.br.

work nurses

Occupational nurses with undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in nursing and experience in the Petrobras sector are required. The starting salary will be almost R$3.000,00. If you are interested, send your CV to Nursed305@gmail.com.

Mechanical Technicians

Technical Supervisors in Mechanics are required by the company Delcosta RH. It is necessary to have technical training, knowledge in contract evaluation, know how to deal with computer programs such as Microstation or Autocad, experience in logistical activities, know how to issue RT and request technical services. If you live in the Lagos Region or in the North of RJ, send your CV to recruitmentmacae@delcostarh.com.br.

If you are interested in the professionals that hire the most offshore professionals, access the section CAREERS HERE.

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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