Readjustment in the price of gasoline and diesel serves to remunerate all the investment made by Petrobras for exploration, oil production, refining, transportation and oil products
After the increase in the prices of gasoline, diesel and LPG, Petrobras pronounced itself and informed on April 23, that in relation to the recently published stories comparing gasoline prices sold to the final consumer in Brazil and in other countries, the state-owned company clarifies that the price of gasoline sold in the Brazilian market is the market price, of economic equilibrium and which ensures that the offer is sufficient to meet the national demand.
It is important to highlight that the values practiced by Petrobras are different from those perceived by the final consumer in retail.
Average price of gasoline to the final consumer in Brazil is lower than the price practiced in more than 50 countries
Petrobras also informs that according to the ranking of, the average price of gasoline to the final consumer in Brazil is lower than the price practiced in more than 50 countries.
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According to the state company, in the case of gasoline, until it reaches the consumer, taxes are added; costs for purchasing and mandatory blending of anhydrous ethanol; in addition to the costs and margins of distribution companies and resellers.
Of the average price of R$ 7,22 per liter paid on average by the consumer, according to the ANP's weekly price survey for the week of 10/16/04 to 2022/2,81/XNUMX, Petrobras receives R$ XNUMX. This market value, in addition to allowing imports to be made to meet local demand, serves to remunerate all of the investment made by Petrobras for exploration, oil production, oil refining, and the transport of oil and derivatives.
Increase in fuel prices avoids the risk of shortages
“It is worth emphasizing that the prices practiced by Petrobras in the sale of fuels to the distribution companies seek at the same time (i) to maintain the structural balance with the prices practiced in the global fuel market and (ii) to avoid passing on the volatility of international prices and the rate exchange rates, marked by conjunctural events.” the state-owned company said in the statement.
“This responsible practice is fundamental for the Brazilian market to continue to be supplied, without risk of shortages, by the different actors responsible for serving the different Brazilian regions: distributors, importers and other producers, in addition to Petrobras”, concludes the Brazilian oil company.