Already anticipating scheduled maintenance of its fleet of FPSO's, Petrobras opens competition for platforms that will start operations between 2018 and 2019
A Petrobras launched last week another wave of tenders to maintain its FPSO fleet that will operate in the pre-salt in the Santos Basin between this year and next year. So far, the tender covers 5 platforms, namely: P-66, P-67, P-68, P-69 and P-70. Of these, only P-66 is in operation in the Lula Sul Field, the others are scheduled to start activities between 2018 and 2019. Remembering that the units belong to Petrobras.
There are rumors that say that the state-owned company decided to advance these bids to escape the new guidelines for contracting renewed models, according to the State-owned Law (13.303) which, by the end of the first half, will be mandatory for all government companies. Petrobras was approached by press advisors to provide clarification on the veracity of the information, which it naturally denied. See the press release below:
"Compliance with good maintenance practices from the beginning of operations is one of the operational requirements at E&P facilities, so there is no motivation as a result of legislation, but meeting operational demand", said the company via press office.
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The State-owned company emphasized that the design of this plan aims to maximize gains gradually and converting into more platform contracts, mainly because these units that are necessary for these operations are similar. The Santos Basin Operating Unit (UO-BS) is responsible for this tender and there are two more that Petrobras is promoting, UO-Rio and UO-BC, which are also for maintenance of offshore units.
A real operations campaigns are being prepared in 2018, even with some mobility in the market in this sense, specialists say that it will be in 2019 that the market will launch a real explosion of opportunities, with many drilling campaigns and a lot of foreign investment in the country. Some seismic campaigns are already underway and others are in the environmental release phase. Prepare and study, because “luck is the effect of preparation met with opportunity”.