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Poll: Possible solutions to lower fuel prices charged by Petrobras

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 01/05/2022 às 12:29
electric vehicles, Brazil, fuels
Photo: Reproduction Google Images/ AutoPapo

With successive increases in gasoline, diesel and natural gas prices in recent weeks in Brazil, many have blamed Petrobras and the federal government for high fuel prices.

Brazilian consumers will be able to vote and express their opinion on possible solutions to lower fuel prices practiced by Petrobras and other oil companies. The poll launched on Twitter this Sunday (01) will last for 7 days and will address the main questions regarding this topic, follow the poll below:

According to the Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas (IBP), the world is experiencing a situational imbalance between supply and demand for energy caused by the economic recovery after a period of low activity imposed by COVID-19 and the conflict in Ukraine. In Brazil, in particular, the volatility and increase in international prices are still amplified by the exchange rate and the complex tax logic. See the average gasoline prices by state in the table provided by the ANP below:

StateAverage Price of GasolineMaximum value
AcreR$ 7,54R$ 7,90
AlagoasR$ 7,24R$ 8,09
AmapáR$ 6,27R$ 6,58
AmazonR$ 7,34R$ 7,99
BahiaR$ 7,52R$ 8,20
CearáR$ 7,64R$ 8,20
Federal DistrictR$ 7,41R$ 7,79
Espírito SantoR$ 7,38R$ 7,74
GoiásR$ 7,45R$ 7,99
MaranhãoR$ 7,34R$ 8,39
Mato GrossoR$ 7,05R$ 7,85
Mato Grosso do SulR$ 7,03R$ 7,79
Minas GeraisR$ 7,53R$ 8,19
ParáR$ 7,45R$ 8,10
ParaíbaR$ 7,03R$ 7,59
ParanáR$ 7,26R$ 8,29
PernambucoR$ 7,29R$ 8,29
PiauiR$ 7,99R$ 8,29
Rio de JaneiroR$ 7,73R$ 8,39
Rio Grande do NorteR$ 7,92R$ 7,99
Rio Grande do SulR$ 6,97R$ 7,99
RondôniaR$ 7,42R$ 7,79
RoraimaR$ 7,10R$ 7,15
Santa CatarinaR$ 7,16R$ 7,72
São PauloR$ 6,86R$ 8,29
SergipeR$ 7,40R$ 7,88
TocantinsR$ 7,46R$ 7,79
Source: ANP

Paulo Nogueira

With a technical background, I worked in the offshore oil and gas market for a few years. Today, my team and I are dedicated to bringing information from the Brazilian energy sector and the world, always with credible and up-to-date sources.

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