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Port of Santos is out of the list of 15 terminals that will be auctioned this year by the Government

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 05/05/2020 às 18:42
Port of Santos is out of the list of 15 terminals that will be auctioned this year by the Government
Port of Santos is out of the list of 15 terminals that will be auctioned this year by the Government
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The government plans to auction 15 port terminals by the end of the year, but the offer of the largest fuel terminal in the country, operated by Transpetro, in the Port of Santos, which was left for 2021, was not included in the list of assets. Karoon and PetroRio confirm interest in buying oil fields from Petrobras

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This week, the public consultation will begin on the new contract model for the Liquid Bulk Terminal at Alemoa (STS08), which involves the preparation stage of the bidding process. Contributions from the sector will be received until June 17th.

The Ministry of Infrastructure predicts that, among the 15 area leases scheduled for this year, six will have the auction notice published later this month – two pulp terminals, in Santos, and four liquid bulk terminals, in the Port of Itaqui (MA). ).

The Federal Court of Auditors is still missing (TCU) release the studies of four terminals, two of them for mineral and vegetable bulk, in Aratu (BA), one for liquid bulk, especially sulfuric acid, in Maceió, and another for vegetable bulk, in Santana (AP). The others undergo final adjustments to enter a public hearing.

Despite the crisis, Fernando Biral, president of the Port of Santos, says that the sector is “quite optimistic” with the lease auctions scheduled for 2020 and assesses that the tender for the Port of Santos terminal – operated by the Petrobras subsidiary, will be able to to raise resources in the order of 1,2 billion reais.

According to the executive, the effects of the pandemic were not noticed in the Port of Santos until the end of April, with some preliminary indicators pointing to the “best quarter in history” in terms of movement.

He, however, said he had already received information that the transit of ships will drop from May, especially those with cargo coming from China.

Transpetro alone handled 6,5 million tons of oil products in 2019 at the terminal. This is equivalent to 52 percent of all movement of this type of cargo in the Port of Santos in the period.

Leasing the terminal should attract groups that operate both in vertical chains in the oil sector, such as Petrobras, and large port operators with or without presence in the Brazilian market.

To provide more efficiency and increase competition in fuel shipments in Santos, the government decided to offer the terminal in two separate areas (STS08 and STS08A). The monthly cost of leasing should cost R$ 16 million for new operators, in 25-year contracts.

The terminal operated by Transpetro has a total area of ​​443 thousand square meters (m2), to be divided into 137,3 thousand m2 for STS08 and 305,6 thousand m2 for STS08A.

Currently, the development has a tank capacity of 345 cubic meters (m3). With the arrival of new investment, this should be increased to 450 m3. The main investment will be the construction of two new berths.

Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact her for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our portal.

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