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Priority in neo-industrialization: goals of the CNI president for the coming years – Boosting neo-industrialization

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 22/12/2023 às 12:01
industrial Revolution
© 2023 - All rights: Industry Portal

A strong industrial policy is essential for sustainable development, as there is no large country without industrial advances.

A neoindustrialization It is a process that has been increasingly discussed in the context of the global economy. The term refers to the modernization and improvement of the industry, through the incorporation of new technologies and production methods. In Brazil, the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) plays a fundamental role in promoting neoindustrialization, seeking to boost the development of the sector and increase the competitiveness of Brazilian companies in the international market.

A neoindustrialization is seen as a response to the challenges of industrial Revolution, which transformed the way production was carried out. By adopting innovative initiatives and investing in research and development, companies seek to adapt to new market demands and ensure their relevance in the economic scenario. The actions of leaders such as Ricardo Alban, president of National Confederation of Industry (CNI), is crucial to promoting the modernization and sustainable growth of the industrial sector.

New neo-industrialization cycle in Brazil – Strategies to Leverage the Sector

I begin my new mandate with great enthusiasm and energy, aware of the enormity of the work that lies ahead. This is a crucial moment for Brazilian industry and we need to remain tireless in our deliveries. The productive sector is facing challenges in its ability to compete in global markets, and this is something we cannot ignore. Our challenge is to seek strategies that aim to increase the productivity of the industry and boost its growth in a solid and sustainable way, in order to make Brazil a prominent competitor.

Importance of Neoindustrialization – Reflections from the Industrial Revolution

It is undeniable that an effective industrial policy is essential to boost socioeconomic development on a solid and sustainable basis. The industry has played a vital role in the development of Asian countries, and its transformative potential is unquestionable. The search for conditions favorable to competitiveness is an unquestionable priority, especially in a context in which governments and companies around the world are investing massively in the green industrial revolution.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Low Carbon Economy

The transition to a low-carbon economy is a priority on our agenda, and we are aware that industry sustainability is inseparable from this movement. Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by this transition requires investments in clean technologies, and Brazilian industry is prepared to lead this movement, given its competitive advantages and its predominantly clean energy matrix. Green hydrogen is one of the main bets to drive this transformation in the sector.

The Impact of Tax Reform on Neoindustrialization

The recent approval of the tax reform represents an important milestone for the country, bringing positive impacts to the business environment and economic growth. However, it is crucial that we closely analyze the aspects related to excessive activities with a reduced rate and consider any necessary corrections to guarantee an equitable and efficient tax system.

Professional Qualification and the Challenges of Neoindustrialization

Investing in professional qualification is essential to meet the demands arising from neo-industrialization. Innovative strategies, such as the proposal to offer professional education after-hours, can significantly contribute to meeting the needs of the sector, boosting growth and competitiveness.

The Role of Public and Private Credit in Neoindustrialization

Public and private credit play complementary roles in industry financing, and deepening dialogue with the financial system is essential to guarantee favorable conditions for industrial activity. We recognize BNDES' efforts to stimulate industrialization, and we recognize the need for competitive costs to guarantee the sector's vitality.

Promoting Diversity in Business Leadership

Promoting female participation in leadership positions is a priority on our agenda, and we are committed to creating favorable conditions for the presence of women in strategic positions. The launch of the National Women's Business Forum is a significant step in this direction.

Mercosur-European Union Agreement and Its Impacts on Industry

We highlight the importance of concluding this agreement, which will bring significant benefits to the commercial relationship between the countries involved. The reduction in import taxes will have direct impacts on the industry, stimulating competitiveness and market expansion.

Stimulating Innovation and Research in Industry

Investing in physical and regulatory structures and stimulating innovation and research are essential pillars for sustainable and competitive industrial development. Commitments to more resources for research and innovation are essential to boost the evolution and competitiveness of the sector.

Art with data about Ricardo Alban's career

Source: Industry Portal

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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