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National Nuclear Energy Commission public tender authorized! 150 vacancies for mid-level and higher-level positions with salaries of almost R$9! 

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 09/08/2024 às 08:18
Updated 08/08/2024 às 23:03
National Nuclear Energy Commission public tender authorized! 150 vacancies for mid-level and higher-level positions with salaries of almost R$9!
Photo: CNEN Competition/Ache Concursos

A new public tender by the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) will have its notice released soon. The CNEN competition will offer 150 vacancies for mid- and higher-level positions, presenting an excellent opportunity for those looking for a career in the nuclear sector.

The ordinance authorizing the holding of a new CNEN (National Nuclear Energy Commission) competition was recently published in the Official Gazette of the Union. In total, the Ministry of Management and Innovation (MGI) authorized the filling of 150 vacancies in a public competition for the National Nuclear Energy Commission in various positions.

When will the public tender notice be released?

The CNEN competition will have 30 mid-level vacancies for the position of Coach, and 120 for higher education for a position Science and Technology Analyst, Researcher and Technology. It is worth noting that the notice of the new public tender of the National Nuclear Energy Commission must be published within a period of up to six months, that is, by February 2025. The period between the notice and the application of the first test of the tender, in turn time, you must respect a minimum period of two months.

If the notice is not published within the indicated period, the ordinance will lose its effect and the budget availability for the competition will be canceled. As indicated by the Federal Government, the National Nuclear Energy Commission is subordinate to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and, therefore, the salaries of employees are similar to those of other entities in the department. 

The value is made up of the sum of the basic salary and the Science and Technology Activity Performance Bonus (GDACT), which in turn, can be 80 or 100 points. Regarding salaries, they are distributed as follows:

  • Assistant researcher (with GDACT of 80 points): R$8.431,89;
  • Analyst and technologist (with GDACT of 80 points): R$7.492,77;
  • Technical (with GDACT of 80 points): R$3.667,43.

Those approved in the public competition will still be entitled to the remuneration amounts for title, which increases the remuneration even further.

When was the last CNEN competition?

Organized by the Institute for National Educational, Cultural and Assistance Development (Idecan), the last public competition of the National Nuclear Energy Commission was held in 2014. At the time, 86 vacancies were offered and, of this total, there were 20 in the position of assistant in Science and Technology and ten in the technical field, both at secondary level. In addition to 38 for technologists and 18 for higher-level Science analysts and technologists.

The vacancies were distributed across the cities of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), São Paulo (SP), Sorocaba (SP), Recife (PE), Belo Horizonte (MG), Abadia de Goiás (GO) and Poços de Caldas (MG). In addition to these locations, CNEM also has units in Brasília (DF), Angra dos Reis (RJ), Resende (RJ), Porto Alegre (RS) and Caetité (BA).

Possible tests in the CNEM competition

The last public competition of the National Nuclear Energy Commission included an objective, discursive, oral test and evaluation of titles and curriculum. THE objective proof was applied to all candidates, with 100 multiple choice questions about general and specific content, namely Portuguese, English, Logical Reasoning and Specific Knowledge.

The discursive test was worth 100 points and consisted of 2 open or discursive questions, on a topic related to the programmatic content associated with the specific knowledge of the position/profile. 

The oral test was worth 100 points and covered the topic related to the syllabus of specific knowledge of the position/profile. A candidate who did not obtain a score equal to or greater than 50 points would fail. The test was carried out in a public session, in the presence of the members of the Examining Committee, the room inspectors and the cameraman responsible for recording the arguments.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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