BB Tecnologia has a new public tender with several vacancies for technicians and analysts, with salaries of up to R$ 8 thousand in addition to benefits.
The competition for the BB Technology, a company linked to Banco do Brasil. This Wednesday (15th), through a publication in the Official Gazette of the Union, the locations for vacancies aimed at broad competition, disabled people and blacks were disclosed. The distribution of opportunities was carried out through a Lotofácil drawing held on the 10th. In total, 97 vacancies will be made available in the BB public tender for immediate filling by technicians with secondary education.
Vacancies in the BB Tecnologia contest are distributed in 60 municipalities
As indicated in the DOU of March 7, the company informed that the results of the Lotofácil Contest number 2759 would be used with the objective of defining the positions of Internal Profile Technician and Service Profile Technician.
Still according to the publication, the opportunities were distributed in more than 60 cities in the country. We separate below the division of vacancies of the BB Tecnologia contest by their respective cities:
- How about working at Sesc with a salary of R$1.872,00 + attendance of R$187,20 and unhealthiness of R$282,40 per month? The institution is calling for interested parties to work 44 hours a week; See how to participate
- Atento Brasil has a home office vacancy with a salary of R$3.620 + a range of attractive benefits!
- Open selection process at Coca-Cola FEMSA with a vacancy for Occupational Safety Technician with a salary of R$6.083,70!
- MetrôRio opens a selection process for those with secondary, technical and higher education with salaries of up to R$6 thousand + benefits!
Service Profile Technician (PCD vacancies) – 9 vacancies
- Balsas-MA;
- Mossoró-RN;
- Cornélio Procópio-PR;
- Sete Lagoas-MG;
- Chapecó-SC;
- Guarapuava-PR;
- Sorocaba-SP;
- Oeiras-PI;
- Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
Service Profile Technician (PPP) – 15 vacancies
- Marília-SP;
- Santa Maria-RS;
- Cascavel-PR;
- Garanhuns-PE;
- Willow-PE;
- Santa Rosa-RS;
- Ivaiporã-PR;
- Almenara-MG;
- Brasilia DF;
- Campinas, sp;
- Sao Paulo-SP;
- Joaçaba-SC;
- Bauru-SP;
- Juína-MT;
- Porto Velho-RO.
Internal Profile Technician (PCD) - 3 vacancies
- São Luís – MA;
- Campinas, sp;
- Maceió-AL.
Internal Profile Technician (PPP) – 4 vacancies
- Goiânia-GO;
- Natal, RN;
- Palma-TO;
- Teresina-PI.
How are the highly competitive vacancies in the BB public tender distributed?
The other locations disclosed in the publication focus on vacancies wide competition from BB Tecnologia contest:
Technician Service Profile (wide): 49 vacancies
- Araçuaí-MG;
- Cataguases-MG;
- Volta Redonda-RJ;
- Mogi Mirim-SP;
- Jacobina-BA;
- Bage-RS;
- Varginha-MG;
- Xinguara-PA;
- Franca-SP;
- Passo Fundo-RS;
- Guaraí-TO;
- Presidente Prudente-SP;
- Santos-SP;
- Oriximinate-PA;
- Alegrete-RS;
- Rio Claro-SP;
- Salvador BA;
- São Luís-MA;
- Arcoverde-PE;
- Campo Grande, MS;
- Fernandopolis-SP;
- Bom Jesus da Lapa-BA;
- Serrinha-BA;
- Araçatuba-SP;
- Porangatu-GO;
- Manhuaçu-MG;
- Governor Valadares-MG;
- Macapá-AP;
- São José do Rio Preto-SP;
- Rorainópolis-RO;
- Cuiabá-MT;
- Barueri-SP;
- Curitiba-PR;
- Ribeirão Preto-SP;
- Nova Venécia-ES;
- Pouso Alegre-MG;
- Irecê-BA;
- Goiânia-GO;
- Canoinhas-SC;
- Vine-SC;
- Sinop-MT;
- Dourados-MS;
- Patos-PB;
- Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ;
- Confresa-MT;
- Juiz de Fora-MG;
- Guanambi-BA;
- Patos de Minas-MG;
- São José dos Campos-SP;
- Manaus-AM;
- Caruaru-PE.
Technician Internal Profile (wide): 15 vacancies
- São Paulo-SP and Vitória-ES;
- Cascavel-PR;
- Campo Grande, MS;
- Piraí-RJ;
- Cuiabá-MT;
- Brasilia DF;
- Governor Valadares-MG;
- Rio de Janeiro - RJ;
- Salvador BA;
- São José do Rio Preto-SP;
- Curitiba-PR;
- Manaus-AM;
- Passo Fundo-RS;
- Sao Jose dos Campos-SP.
Despite the event publicizing vacancies for Analysts, they were not informed in the document. The tender is being organized by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).
Registration fee and starting salaries for the BB public tender
The public notice focuses on the provision of vacancies for Technicians and Analysts. For Analyst vacancies, the estimate is that the registration fee will be in the amount of R$69. have the average level of training, and, for the position of Analyst, the requirement is higher education.
For the position of Administrative Technician, the salary offered is R$ 1.814,82, Operations Technician – R$ 2.144,78, Administrative Analyst – 3.629,65, Operations Analyst – 4.718,51. In addition to remuneration, the successful candidate will also receive benefits such as food or meal allowances in the total monthly amount of R$ 807,00, a meal basket in the amount of R$ 807, daycare allowance, culture voucher, health plan, school aid, transportation, funeral assistance, medicine, optical material, dental care, life insurance, tutoring program, among others.