Job openings for Rio de Janeiro are for Seafarers with all certificates up to date, resume submission by December 6
An excellent job opportunity for Rio de Janeiro was posted by the Renave Shipyard, which announced the selection process for maritime professionals. Attention! Offshore outsourcer announces at 8:30 am today, many job openings for Macaé.
Maritime professionals must have their boarding certificates up to date and able to work in Rio de Janeiro, check below the role and requirements.
- SAMU 192 is hiring Medical Regulation Assistant Technician; Great salary + attractive benefits, see how to secure your position
- AeC is opening 100 job vacancies for those who can work in the morning, afternoon or evening as a Telemarketing Attendant on a 6×1 or 5×2 shift
- Africa: The continent that is literally falling apart and could form a NEW ocean in the future
- Banese Competition: Banking Technician with salaries of up to R$5.720,79 and incredible benefits, check it out!
- Selection process for Welders and Scaffolding Assemblers, today December 4th
- High school job vacancies to work in industrial projects and plants
- Macaé counts on job openings for elementary school students to work offshore in a multinational
Machine sailor
- Complete high school
- CIR and certificates in the maritime area within validity.
- Preferably, residents of Niterói or São Gonçalo.
Application for the seafarer vacancy
If you are interested in the maritime vacancy above, you live in Rio de Janeiro and have the profile described above required by renew, forward your resume to, do not forget to put the name of the position in the subject field. GOOD LUCK!