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RWE signs partnerships for French projects – RWE secures two contracts in France

Written by Paulo S. Nogueira
Published 20/12/2023 às 13:44
Renewable Energy, guarantees, contracts, French
RWE signs agreements for French projects – PHOTO: ©2023 Re News.Biz

15 MW portfolio includes solar and onshore wind farm in Loire-Atlantique, winner of the technologically neutral competition. CEO of RWE Renewables Europe & Australia.

The company RWE has secured two contracts in French for an 11 MW onshore wind project and a 4 MW solar park. The contracts were announced as part of the latest technology-neutral tender for water, wind and photovoltaic projects by the French CRE (Commission for Energy Regulation). The solar park is located in the French department of Charente-Maritime and covers an area of ​​four hectares. The three-turbine onshore wind project will be located in the Loire-Atlantique department. RWE is currently the third most awarded company in the 13 French onshore wind energy competitions held by CRE and has been awarded in all recent onshore competitions in which it has participated.

Renewable Energy has been a priority for RWE, which has secured French-language contracts for renewable energy projects. Katja Wunschel, CEO of RWE Renewables Europe & Australia, says: 'I am proud of this result, which demonstrates our ability to consistently present new and competitive projects to accelerate the development of renewable energy in France. Our ambition aligns perfectly with our results, as demonstrated by the high quality of our projects and the dedicated teams that drive them.’ (Source: clickpetroleoegas.com.br)

RWE secures contracts on onshore wind and solar project in France

RWE Renewables Europe & Australia, the global renewable energy company, has secured contracts for an onshore wind project and a solar project on a technologically neutral contest conducted by a French department. The solar project will have an area of ​​four hectares and will be developed in the Loire-Atlantique department, while the onshore wind project will be developed in an adjacent area. The most awarded company in French renewable energy competitions, RWE, is expanding its activities in the onshore wind energy in France.

The CEO of RWE Renewables Europe & Australia emphasized the importance of these contracts for the company's growth strategy, which aims to expand its renewable energy portfolio. With the guarantee of these contracts, RWE underlines its commitment to development of renewable energy in France and around the world.

RWE Renewables Europe & Australia is committed to investing in renewable energy projects around the world, and France is a key market for the company. Renewable energy plays a vital role in the global energy transition, and RWE is proud to be part of this movement. The company will continue to seek growth opportunities in the renewable energy sector and is eager to contribute to the sustainable development of France and other countries.

Source: © Re News.Biz

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Paulo S. Nogueira

Creator and disseminator of content in the areas of oil, gas, offshore, renewables, mining, economics, technology, construction and other energy sectors.

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