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Sesc announces job vacancy with salary of R$2.184,00 + attractive benefits; Send your resume by January 9th

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 06/01/2025 às 14:56
Sesc announces job vacancy with salary of R$184,00 + attractive benefits; Send your resume by January 9th
Sesc announces job vacancy with salary of R$2.184,00 + attractive benefits; Send your resume by January 9th (Image: Representation)

Kitchen Assistant at Hotel Sesc Blumenau: Vacancy with salary of R$2.184,00 + attractive benefits; Find out how to apply

Check out all the details of this opportunity to work as a Kitchen Assistant at Hotel Sesc Blumenau, including salary, benefits and how to participate in the in-person selection process on January 9th. Take advantage of this chance to join one of the most respected institutions in the country.

The position offers a dynamic and challenging environment, where the professional will have the opportunity to contribute directly to the experience of the hotel's guests. In addition to the competitive salary of R$2.184,00, there are benefits such as attendance and hazardous work bonuses, life insurance and incentives for professional development.

Admission process

The selection process for the position of Kitchen Assistant at Hotel Sesc Blumenau will be carried out in stages. The first step is to submit your resume on January 9th, at 15 pm, in person. Candidates must appear at the address provided with their complete and printed resume.

The stages include a technical test and a group interview, where candidates' skills, knowledge and experience in the food sector will be assessed. The selection process prioritizes professionals who stand out in their practical skills and ability to meet the quality standards required by Sesc, ensuring customer satisfaction and excellence in the services offered.

The results will be based on the analysis of practical skills and compatibility with the institutional values ​​of the organization. This process aims to form a reserve bank for future hiring in the unit.

Kitchen Assistant at Hotel Sesc Blumenau

The main objective of the Kitchen Assistant position is to assist, support and perform activities related to the unit's kitchen services. The duties include cleaning, organizing, pre-preparing, sanitizing and storing food, always ensuring quality and customer satisfaction.

The professional will work at the Sesc Blumenau Hotel, located at Rua Udo Deek, 1330, Salto do Norte neighborhood, in Blumenau, SC. ​​The workload will be 44 hours per week, distributed on a full-time basis. The base salary is R$2.184,00, with additional pay for attendance and hazardous work.

About Sesc

Sesc (Social Service of Commerce) is a reference institution in socio-educational, cultural, leisure and health actions, promoting quality of life for commerce workers, their families and society in general.

With network operations, Sesc prioritizes values ​​such as excellence, diversity, sustainability and innovation. Its units are known for offering an inclusive environment, with opportunities for professional growth and positive social impact.

Hotel Sesc Blumenau is one of the establishments that stands out for its high-quality service and for providing memorable experiences to its guests. The team is made up of professionals dedicated to maintaining the standard of excellence that characterizes the institution.

Job Requirements

  • Education: Incomplete elementary education;
  • Experience: Experience in the food sector is desirable, especially in kitchen support activities;
  • Skills: Organization, agility and commitment to quality standards.

Job Benefits

  • Base salary of R$ 2.184,00;
  • Attendance bonus: R$218,40;
  • Unhealthiness allowance: R$282,40;
  • Food/meal voucher;
  • Life insurance;
  • Discount on Sesc activities;
  • Encouragement of training and professional development.

How to apply

Interested parties should appear at the Sesc Blumenau Hotel on January 9th, at 15 pm, with a complete and printed resume. The address is Rua Udo Deek, 1330, Salto do Norte neighborhood, Blumenau, SC.

During the face-to-face stage, the candidates will participate technical test and group interview. It is important to be prepared to demonstrate your skills and competencies in the food sector, as well as reinforce alignment with Sesc values.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please consult the social media or the official Sesc Blumenau website for additional support.


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Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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