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  3. / SESI offers a salary of R$10.400,34 + R$990,00 food voucher + R$350,00 childcare allowance for those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:12 pm to 18:00 pm; Send your resume by January 15th
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SESI offers a salary of R$10.400,34 + R$990,00 food voucher + R$350,00 childcare allowance for those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:12 pm to 18:00 pm; Send your resume by January 15th

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 09/01/2025 às 16:44
SESI offers a salary of R$400,34 + R$0,00 food voucher + R$0,00 childcare allowance for those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:12 pm to 18:00 pm; Send your resume by January 15th
SESI offers a salary of R$10.400,34 + R$990,00 food voucher + R$350,00 childcare allowance for those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:12 pm to 18:00 pm; Send your resume by January 15th (Image: Representation)

Coordinator II – Health: Opportunity with Salary of R$10.400,34 + Benefits to Work in Panambi, RS! Apply until January 15th!

Discover an excellent opportunity at SESI Panambi for healthcare professionals with management experience. The Coordinator II position offers an attractive salary, exceptional benefits, and a challenging work environment. Check out the details and be part of this excellent team!

If you have a background in healthcare, experience managing multidisciplinary teams and are looking for a strategic position, this could be yours. chance for professional growth. Read more to find out how to participate in the selection process.

SESI Selection Process

The selection process for Coordinator II – Health It is structured to assess not only technical skills, but also the candidate's alignment with SESI's values ​​and objectives. The first stage includes a curriculum analysis and an objective test, which will cover topics such as people management, processes, comprehensive health and health promotion.

Successful candidates will undergo a profile analysis and interviews, which assess their practical experience and ability to lead projects. The process ends with medical exams and submission of supporting documentation. At each stage, candidates will be informed about their status on the official SESI portal.

During the practical test, you will be required to plan activities related to health promotion, focusing on measurable results. The selection process is transparent and seeks the best professionals to join the team.

Vacancy and City

Coordinator II – Health – Panambi, RS

The position is focused on the strategic and operational management of projects related to health promotion at SESI Panambi. The professional will be responsible for planning, organizing and leading multidisciplinary teams, in addition to managing financial indicators and results. With a 44-hour workweek, the work takes place during business hours, offering stability and an environment for professional growth.

About SESI

SESI (Social Service of Industry) is an organization recognized for excellence to promote health, education and well-being for industrial workers and their families. With units spread throughout Brazil, SESI is one of the largest employers in the country, offering unique development opportunities for its employees.

At the Panambi unit, SESI stands out for its cutting-edge infrastructure and commitment to delivering innovative solutions in the healthcare sector. The organization values ​​teamwork and the constant pursuit of excellence, promoting an environment of continuous learning.

SESI is an institution that values ​​inclusion, diversity and the appreciation of its employees. Working at SESI means being part of a team that positively impacts society and contributes to the development of the communities it serves.

Job Requirements

  • Training: Completed higher education in the health area, postgraduate degree desirable.
  • Experience: Mandatory experience with multidisciplinary team management, process management and strategic planning.
  • Technical knowledge: Operating systems, financial and results indicators, and development of operational plans.
  • Competencies: Commitment to results, customer focus, teamwork, effective communication and motivation to help.
  • CNH: Category B is mandatory.

Benefits of the Vacancy at SESI

  • Health care: Unimed plan with no additional costs for the employee.
  • Food/Meal Voucher: R$990,00 per month or R$45,00 per day worked.
  • Childcare assistance: R$350,00 per month for children up to 60 months old.
  • private pension: Exclusive Indusprevi plan for employees.
  • Support Programs: 24-hour psychological, nutritional and medical care.
  • Holidays and Time Off: Benefits such as a day off on your birthday and 30 days of annual vacation.
  • Training: Subsidy for courses, languages ​​and even a doctorate after six months of work.

How to apply

Registrations must be made exclusively through the SESI candidate portal, with the deadline in 15 January 2025. It is essential to fill out the registration form completely and in detail, as the system automatically deletes resumes with missing information.

After registering, pay attention to the communications sent by email and updates on the portal. The schedule of steps includes curriculum analysis, objective tests, interviews and medical exams. Make sure you have all the requested documents to avoid delays in the process.

If you are looking for job openings with competitive salaries and real opportunities for growth, this vacancy at SESI Panambi is perfect for qualified and motivated professionals.


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Roseni Lopes De Sousa
Roseni Lopes De Sousa
09/01/2025 16:55

What do I need to apply for this position?

Rita de Cassia
Rita de Cassia(@cassinharita39gmail-com)
10/01/2025 11:52

It's in Juazeiro ba

Alessandra Pavoni Nassar
Alessandra Pavoni Nassar
11/01/2025 06:20

How do I apply?

Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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