Oil and Gas Petrobras announces the start of production on the FPSO Anna Nery platform in Campo de Marlim, in the Campos Basin Ruth Rodrigues 09/05/2023 às 11:02
Oil and Gas Ibama issues operating license for FPSO Anna Nery, Petrobras' floating platform, in the Marlim field in the Campos Basin, allowing the resumption of oil production in one of the largest producing fields in the region Ruth Rodrigues 17/03/2023 às 16:13
Oil and Gas FPSO Anna Nery arrives in Brazil, after a 2-month trip from China, for a Petrobras project. The platform will proceed to the BrasFELS shipyard, in Angra dos Reis, in Rio de Janeiro Roberta Souza 30/09/2022 às 11:14
Industry Ibama authorizes the installation of FPSOs Anna Nery and Anita Garibaldi in the Campos Basin for Petrobras' Campo de Marlim revitalization project Ruth Rodrigues 02/06/2022 às 16:59