Courses Don't miss out on the chance to take a 100% distance learning degree for free! Universidade Federal is accepting applications for courses such as pedagogy, literature, Portuguese and others Alisson Ficher 13/09/2024 às 09:55
Courses Federal University offers free online courses in the health area Noel Budeguer 09/09/2024 às 13:33
Public and Federal Tenders How about earning up to R$10? Federal University opens selection process with urgent vacancies, check it out! Valdemar Medeiros 09/09/2024 às 07:46
Courses Without having to take a test or pay anything: Federal University offers 200 THOUSAND places on free courses in history, philosophy, mathematics, data science and more! Valdemar Medeiros 30/08/2024 às 09:08
Courses Completely online and free! Federal University offers more than 650 vacancies in free courses in Libras, Pedagogy, Physics and more! This is your chance to study in the comfort of your home and without spending a single real Ruth Rodrigues 29/08/2024 às 17:42
Jobs Federal University opens selection process with working hours of 20 hours per week and salaries of R$ 11 thousand Valdemar Medeiros 22/08/2024 às 07:25
Courses Study at a Federal University without a test? It's possible! The institution opens vacancies in various courses such as Administration, Law, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry and others Alisson Ficher 20/08/2024 às 21:12
Courses Federal University offers more than 5 THOUSAND places on free courses in areas such as Administration, Engineering, Degrees and much more! Ruth Rodrigues 20/08/2024 às 09:08
Courses Do you want to go to EAD college and not pay 1 cent for it? Federal University (UFS) announces golden chance in selection process with 1300 places for online undergraduate courses Alisson Ficher 01/08/2024 às 18:32
Public and Federal Tenders Federal University launches 'gold' notice! Vacancies with salaries above R$10.000 plus benefits! Roberta Souza 30/07/2024 às 20:23
Public and Federal Tenders Federal University surprises and opens up job opportunities with salaries of up to R$7.014,02 + additional specialization, master's or doctorate in the areas of mechanics, law, engineering and more! Roberta Souza 30/07/2024 às 06:30
Rail Transport Federal University opens new selection process with salaries of up to R$6,3 thousand plus benefits Roberta Souza 27/07/2024 às 20:30