Agribusiness Why are the United Arab Emirates investing R$15 BILLION in a plant in Brazil? Discover the plant that produces 7x more oil than soybeans and promises to generate almost R$100 billion in the coming years! Roberta Souza 17/08/2024 às 14:15
Construction Skyscraper with waterfall, futuristic tower and city within a building: discover 3 incredible architectural wonders in China that will leave your mouth open! Alisson Ficher 22/07/2024 às 11:55
Economy Millionaires packed: 800 will leave Brazil in 2024 and China leads the list with 15.200 'rich people' leaving the country! Roberta Souza 25/06/2024 às 23:15
Construction Billions lost: Dubai's artificial islands for millionaires abandoned and sinking – The promise of an exclusive paradise turned into a monumental failure Valdemar Medeiros 25/06/2024 às 08:42
Construction The billion-dollar project on the Dubai Islands: an unfinished dream worth R$63 BILLION that became the 'most useless project in the world', proving that you can't achieve everything with money alone! Roberta Souza 05/06/2024 às 08:00
Construction Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, resists earthquakes, fires and even storms at 828 meters high! Valdemar Medeiros 16/04/2024 às 11:35
Construction Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, announces construction of the largest airport in the world with capacity to serve 160 million travelers Valdemar Medeiros 27/03/2024 às 20:35
Science and Technology Burj Khalifa cedes reign: Discover the majestic 1km tower that takes over as the tallest building in the world, called “Tower of Geddah” Roberta Souza 18/01/2024 às 14:31
Oil and Gas Lula arrives in Saudi Arabia before COP28; expectations? Paulo S. Nogueira 28/11/2023 às 15:35