Jobs Leader in the river logistics sector Hidrovias do Brasil, announces new job vacancies, opportunities for river machine sailor, river machine supervisor, river master and more Bruno Teles 04/03/2024 às 19:11
Corporate News Unified Strategy to Combat Fuel Theft in Waterways in Northern Brazil Corporate 26/06/2023 às 07:36
Industry Hidrovias do Brasil kicks off the resumption of cargo handling operations at the Port of Santos Ruth Rodrigues 30/08/2022 às 02:09
Industry Hidrovias do Brasil launches its sustainability plan to reduce carbon emissions in the transport logistics chain Ruth Rodrigues 26/05/2022 às 05:01
Industry Studies of the Brazil-Uruguay waterway project are delivered with new perspectives for the transport of cargo from the ports of both countries Ruth Rodrigues 26/04/2022 às 21:08
Economy Federal Government reaches goal in 2021 and delivery of 108 works, to modernize Brazil's infrastructure, attracts private investment for railroads, airports, highways, ports and waterways Luciana Ramalhao 26/01/2022 às 13:23
Jobs Job opportunities are open for professionals with and without experience in São Paulo and Pará Roberta Souza 22/07/2021 às 17:38
Construction VLI signs a new partnership with Hidrovias do Brasil to focus on the development of Ferrogrão Valdemar Medeiros 01/06/2021 às 12:57
Construction Mineradora Vale will transport 3,2 million tons of iron ore through Hidrovias do Brasil in 2021 Valdemar Medeiros 16/10/2020 às 09:34