Jobs Raia Drogasil opens a selection process with 200+ vacancies for pharmacy attendants requiring only a high school diploma with a salary of up to R$2 per month Valdemar Medeiros 04/11/2024 às 09:06
Jobs Mid-level vacancy at Raia Drogasil! Earn R$1.749,30 + food and transportation vouchers to work as a Pharmacy Assistant Ruth Rodrigues 19/10/2024 às 12:52
Jobs Raia Drogasil opens selection process with more than 1.000 job openings for pharmacy attendants, pharmacists, young apprentices and other roles requiring only complete secondary education in almost all of Brazil Valdemar Medeiros 09/07/2024 às 07:38
Jobs Raia Drogasil opens selection process with 775 job vacancies for candidates with complete secondary education and no experience Valdemar Medeiros 08/03/2024 às 17:40
Jobs Raia Drogasil opens a new selection process with 804 job openings for primary, secondary and higher education in almost all of Brazil Valdemar Medeiros 07/11/2023 às 18:45
Jobs More than 1000 job vacancies are offered by Brazilian drugstore market leader Droga Raia. Elementary, secondary and higher education candidates are invited! Roberta Souza 25/09/2023 às 21:57
Jobs RaiaDrogasil opens selection process with more than 1000 job openings for mid-level, technical and higher level professionals Valdemar Medeiros 09/07/2023 às 22:53
Jobs Raia Drogasil offers 500 jobs for PCDs and people with high school education throughout Brazil Valdemar Medeiros 21/09/2021 às 17:32
Jobs 238 job vacancies for different regions and positions are offered by Raia Drogasil, on this 22nd Roberta Souza 22/04/2020 às 11:15