Public and Federal Tenders With a starting salary of up to R$6.8720, Correios announces a new public competition board with more than 3.400 vacancies at secondary and higher education levels! Roberta Souza 12/09/2024 às 14:08
Public and Federal Tenders Correios Competition already has confirmed positions; see what they are and the salaries for these functions, which can have salaries of more than 26 THOUSAND Alisson Ficher 31/07/2024 às 14:56
Public and Federal Tenders President confirms: New notice for the Correios competition in 2024 brings hope to candidates! Roberta Souza 31/01/2024 às 20:31
Public and Federal Tenders New Correios competition for secondary and higher education can come out at any time Valdemar Medeiros 07/11/2023 às 19:31
Public and Federal Tenders Postal contest may have an Urgent Notice published soon to fill more than 7 vacancies Geovane Souza 02/08/2023 às 22:37