Offshore and Onshore Vacancies Are you ready to win one of Ocyan's 45 Young Apprentice positions and change your life in 2025? Caio Aviz 26/11/2024 às 16:07
Courses Looking for distance learning courses? Federal Institute surprises and opens 20 THOUSAND vacancies in 8 100% online Qualification Courses Alisson Ficher 03/11/2024 às 03:53
Courses Want to take a free course without paying ANYTHING for it? Senai offers free scholarships for courses in 23 cities in areas such as Industrial Automation, Mechanics, Telecommunications, Footwear, among others Alisson Ficher 21/10/2024 às 06:40
Courses Want to take an online course without paying a single real for it? Senac is opening registrations for 1 places on online courses in areas such as languages, cooking, technology, digital marketing, tourism and others. Alisson Ficher 17/09/2024 às 16:53
Courses Do you want to take a Senai course and ALREADY GET EMPLOYED? Making the right choice is essential; check out the 10 Senai courses that are champions in employability Alisson Ficher 08/07/2024 às 15:13