Refinery and Thermoelectric BNDES announces R$3,8 billion for a natural gas-fired thermoelectric plant in Pará: The Brazilian energy revolution that guarantees sustainability and economic growth Caio Aviz 16/01/2025 às 10:21
Renewable energy North and Northeast Brazil: The revolution in renewable energy distribution that could transform the global sustainable future by 2029 Caio Aviz 08/01/2025 às 01:45
Oil and Gas ANP makes surprising discovery in France about natural gas storage and exposes benefits for Brazil! Caio Aviz 10/12/2024 às 12:06
Oil and Gas Argentine natural gas: A risk for hydrogen in Brazil amid shortages and the future of the natural gas market? Caio Aviz 04/12/2024 às 17:15
Oil and Gas Tecnogera invests R$100 million in Macaé and promises 250 new jobs to transform economic growth in the oil and gas sector Caio Aviz 09/11/2024 às 20:36