Jobs How about working from Monday to Friday earning R$4.484,29 + R$350 in childcare allowance + benefits at Instituto Euvaldo Lodi? IEL has a vacancy for a higher education position as Technical Analyst Ruth Rodrigues 15/11/2024 ร s 15:17
Courses Do you want to take a course at Senai and still earn up to R$2,8? The institution has opportunities for courses and internships in various areas such as administration, architecture, communication, pedagogy and much more. Alisson Ficher 14/10/2024 ร s 15:52
Jobs Do you want to work from Monday to Friday and earn R$3.986,92 per month? IEL has a vacancy for a higher education position as Analyst Ruth Rodrigues 09/10/2024 ร s 20:55
Jobs Mid-level vacancy at IEL! Earn R$2.322,93 + benefits to work Monday through Friday as an Administrative Assistant at Instituto Euvaldo Lodi Ruth Rodrigues 29/09/2024 ร s 21:11