Jobs No need for a public exam! GOVBR is calling for home office, hybrid and in-person opportunities! People with secondary, technical and higher education degrees from all over Brazil can apply for the vacancies Alisson Ficher 19/01/2025 às 18:04
Jobs Work TWO days a week at Natura WITHOUT leaving home! Company opens unusual vacancy for those who want to start 2025 with a new job Alisson Ficher 04/01/2025 às 13:25
Jobs Do you want to work from home twice a week and the rest in person? Natura is hiring professionals to work from home! Roberta Souza 12/12/2024 às 12:59
Jobs Work remotely and change your life with amazing salaries – 67 incredible vacancies at Contabilizei! Caio Aviz 02/12/2024 às 14:54
Jobs PETZ is looking for professionals to work on a flexible schedule with 1.000 open positions! Home office opportunities for mid-level professionals! Anna Alice 11/11/2024 às 22:15
Jobs Are you looking for a home office job? SPC Brasil offers a golden opportunity for those who want to work from home Alisson Ficher 02/11/2024 às 19:51
Jobs Is the home office over? CEOs follow Elon Musk's example and agree: working from home is over Alisson Ficher 29/10/2024 às 12:24
Jobs How about working ONCE a week from home and earning R$1.844 reais? Company opens selection process for home position Alisson Ficher 24/10/2024 às 13:07
Economy Company announces it will use GPS to police home offices! Invasion of privacy in sight? Alisson Ficher 06/09/2024 às 18:46
Jobs Goodbye home office? Thousands of people will be forced to return to in-person work Alisson Ficher 03/09/2024 às 17:36